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Thread: Time for Phase 2?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Time for Phase 2?

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    Hey all, searched around for similar threads but all I found are related to Texas Method. For those coaches who may be reading and those who have been through it before I'm wondering if I should be good to "officially" move on to Phase 2 of my novice LP...

    Tomorrow will be the end of my 4th week (not counting the 2-3 weeks I spent screwing up the program initially) and here's where I'm at:

    Squat 150 -> 260
    OH Press 110 -> 135
    Bench Press 185 -> 210
    Deadlift 225 -> 300

    6'1" Male
    Weight 210(ish) -> 215

    I would like to start learning the cleans as my deadlifts (while progressing consistently) are definitely starting to become more taxing than they used to be.

    Thinking about a small reset on the squat too. Maybe backing down to 230 and doing 5 lb jumps? I'm still ironing out the weaker parts of my form there.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017



    Just to drop a touch to get the last few points of my form down before getting into heavier weight. Plus it buys me time (I lift at home, once the weight starts getting HEAVY I'm gonna need to either pony up and join a gym or upgrade equipment).

    No(t really), occasionally some accessory shit (curls, etc) if I'm feeling froggy but I've been doing my best to not be tempted to stray outside the program

    By "taxing" I mean that sometimes the last rep is sometimes a bit of a grind. I haven't yet failed a rep and honestly I could probably pull a few more times after 5 if I wanted to. I don't deny there are some form tweaks I need to make, but nothing I think that will stop me from progressing.

    My goals are always evolving, so really just to get as strong as I can. I want to see how far I can get and push myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    There are no "phases;" there are programming adjustments that should be applied carefully when other variables are taken care of.

    Sounds like the usual place the program starts to get serious for people, along with boredom, and questionable nutrition, i.e., feeling "froggy."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Starting Strength Training Programs

    "Froggy" is just my way off saying occasionally on Fridays I have more time and if I have energy left over after my lifts sometimes I do a few sets of curls. Nothing mega heavy or with tons of volume. Not really out of "boredom" to say, just because for the first time in my life I've been building muscle and it's fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    As the article says, add PC when your deadlift 3x per week is diffucult to recover from. You probably are there now or approaching it soon. Don't think about it solely in terms of how hard the reps are but rather how well you recover from session to session. That said, probably no harm in adding them a bit early.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    If you learn the cleans in the beginning on an empty bar is it something that could be tacked on to a regular workout for a couple weeks? Since it wouldn't be another "heavy" lift or would that still be detrimental to recovery?

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