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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    South Korea

    Unhappy Squat form check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    My first post

    Hi Campitelli and other coaches. I tried a lot to solve my problem. I tried to sit deeper, off some weight, bought a new cam, and didn't wear black. I felt the right depth when I was doing squats. But, It looks like I need to sit a little deeper in the video. Also, big breathe is hard for me. When I breathe deeply, I feel like I want to give up. It is so hard to maintain the pressure of the abs.(Because of this issue, I forgot to count the number of times, so I only counted four times in 2 set video)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    First thing I note is that your stance changes width in each set, getting wider each time. Set #2 is good, Set 3 is probably too wide, since you aren't able to keep your knees out on the way up. I'd like to see more hip drive out of the bottom - note in set 3 there are two reps that almost stop, and each time, right before they do, you lift your chest. You have to concentrate on driving your hips up in order to avoid lifting the chest (and killing posterior chain recruitment). So, hip drive, get your knees out, KEEP your knees out on the way up, and drive your hips up all the way to the top. Note also that there were varying numbers of these that were high. But the third set was the worst, probably tied to the stance being a little wide.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    South Korea


    Hi coaches. Here is my new video. To improve my technique. I did deload 10 kg. It was so hard to concentrate on three things simultaneously hips, knees, and depth. Hip drive is hard to understand to me. I tried to move my hips vertically, but I don't know if it worked well. Especially, I do not know how to distinguish good hip drive(with avoid lifting the chest) from bad hip drive(with lifting the chest)by watching the video. Due to my bad technique, I guess I can't load more plate for a few weeks. I wish there was a starting strength gym nearby.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    I only watched the third set. These are really good. Some last things to work on, are: Keep your knees out on the way up, they are collapsing in a little (and then you fix it) once you start up out of the bottom. Another is to work on keeping your head down on the way up out of the bottom. Picking up your head can cause your chest to follow it (though you resist it on this set). Finally, work on getting rid of the pause at the bottom. Think about every muscle getting tighter and tighter towards the bottom, then bouncing off all of that tightness.

    Good job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    South Korea


    Thank you very much for your feedback. I will solve the problem you pointed out.'s gonna be a tough few weeks for me.

    P.S.) I really appreciate for giving me free coaching. Why are coaches doing such good for free? Looking at past posts, it is a treasure itself.

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