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Thread: 1x5 Squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Default 1x5 Squats

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey Rip, out of stupidity I have been doing a program similar to SS, but not quite SS (YNDTP!!). I have done it the same, but instead of 3 sets of 5 squats, I have just done 1 set of 5. This took me from 185lbs to 275lbs for 5 reps in the past 6 weeks so it has definitely worked. I failed on 280lbs, so I am going to reset. After learning more about SS I've decided to do 3x5 instead (just resetting a little lower to account for more sets). Do you think this will help me progress significantly higher than 275lbs when building back up? I know you have said 1x5 isn't enough stress, so I'm thinking yes?

    I am 16 years old, 5'6, and 138lbs (gained 14lbs so far).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If ypou haven't been doing the program, the sooner you start, the sooner you will get stronger. Eat more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Hi MZILY,

    a curious story you report there, sounds like extraordinary starting weights (what did you do before those 6 weeks?) and good progress.

    Some points:

    - Your experience confirms what every study says about beginners: They need little volume; often one set achieves almost the same progress as more sets, for a while at least. Now its the time you definitely profit from doing more, so 3x5 is fine. Just dont get married to it too long if you plateau, because then youŽll need even more than simply doing a set of DLs or 15 reps of squats. But until then, youll be fine.

    - Upload vids of your lifts, especially squat and DL in the "Technique" section. Good technique allows you to progress aggressively, safe.

    - Your weight gain has been all right. Purely from the numbers, dont gain more per month. A more practical approach is to watch your belly (measure waist circumference) vs your muscles: If the former grows fluffier by the week but thighs and shoulders dont rip your clothes, dial back the weight gain. If its reverse, you could shoot for even more (very unlikely) - yet you definitely wont gain more than 6lbs of muscle a month from now on, the rest will be water and fat. Some fat gain is completely normal and the huge caloric surplus even necessary to fuel your progress of adding weight. However, too much is unnecessary and slows you down in the mid to long run.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Hey, terribly sorry I just saw this. I went to the gym with one of my friends for about a month. Started at a max squat of 155. By the end of the month it was at 225. Then I started by 1x5 progression at 185.

    I was thinking that would be so. The sets of 5 were definitely hard, but 3x5 is much more stressful.

    I'm thinking I will reduce weight gain to about 3lbs a months from now on.

    I will be sure to go post my squat to the Technique section also.

    Would you mind checking out my recent post? I posted it in the Rip QnA section. It's called "Sudden Loss In Strength." Just posted it. Thanks again for the reply! And sorry to respond so late!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Forgot to mention, a couple of times I jumped 10lbs because I was being unpatient. I jumped from 265-275. Both of which felt nearly impossible, but I got. I did the same with a few other jumps. I probably could have kept going up a little higher, but I maxed at 315, tried 280 and got 3 reps, then found starting strength. Decided 3x5 would be better anyways.

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