Little background information about myself:
-BW currently about 190
-Haven't competed in PL or WL in quite some time
Best lifts in PL, in the 75kg class from 2011
Best lifts in WL in the 77kg class, from 2014
Recently left collegiate s & c and moved out west(Fargo), had a baby and bought a house. Training has been slowly getting back on track. Best lifts currently in training:
Weighing 185
DL 495 (all time best is 520 at 195)
PR 195 (all time best is 207 at 195)
Best clean 305(weighing 185), best snatch 215(weighing 175)
Now that were settling a little better out in the midwest, goal will be to get back into competitive lifting.
Traveled this past week;
7/25- Paused beltless squat- up to 315x1x2 sets, then drop to 295x3x3 sets
Paused beltless deadlift- up to 365 x 3, followed by 315x3x2 sets
Everything moved pretty easily. Trained with my 80 year old dad so was in a little hurry. He managed to hit 175x5 on the deadlift with 2 replaced hips and a replaced knee.
7/26- Press- up to 175x1, then 155x3x2 sets, and 135x5
-DB Flat bench- worked up to the 90's for 8
-Some bodyweight chin ups(17 total reps)
7/28-Squat- felt okay, worked up to 335x5x2 sets. Dropped down to 295x6 reps, and a final set of 3 reps. Didn't eat enough today. Bodyweight not where it needs to be. Was going to bench after squat but will finish that tomorrow with more food in me.
Honestly haven't weighed myself in about a month. I'd guess around 190?
8/4/17 at WFAC
Worked in with Bill Coyne on the olympic lifts. Hit a 110 power clean, then cleaned 120-130 and missed 140 twice. 130 felt great, and is the heaviest I've gone in over 3 months. 140 would have been a 3lb pr. Instagram
Squat 315 x 5
Clean and press up to 160x5
Deadlift up to 365x5
*Squat and deadlifts were pretty easy.
We often talk about making time to train and how something is always better than nothing, and I've been guilty of making excuses the past few months for why I haven't been in the gym. This whole lift took less than 35 minutes from start to finish, including warm ups. End rant.
8/12/17- Light Day
Squat x 5, 155, 185, 215, 240
2 sets of 3 with a tempo at 265(3 sec down, 3 sec up)
Bench x 5, 145, 170, 195, 220
First time trying tempo's on the way up. certainly made it much more difficult.
Squat: up to 320 x 5, then 305x5 x 2. Squats felt pretty easy. kept rest pretty low.
Snatch grip deadlifts: up to a pretty smooth 345, then 295 for 5(also easy). Haven't done these in a while, and since I'm hoping to begin filtering in more olympic wl in the coming months I'll work in some variations like sn grip deads to make the transition smooth.
I've been enjoying these short training sessions of about 35-40 minutes. I haven't trained with shorter rest intervals in a while so getting a bit sweaty and and my heart rate up is kind of nice. It's also nice to focus hard on just a few things, get in and get out. It may not be optimal but it's far better than not training.
Bench: worked up to 245x5, then 225x5x2 sets. finished with a close grip set of 205x6
Clean and press: 135xx5x3
barbell rows: 135,185,235,235,185, all for fahve
BW chins: 1 set of 10, for funsies
Front Squat: worked up to 295x1; weight moved pretty well. Probably had 2 more reps in the tank. Dropped off to 225 for 3 sets of 4 reps with a pause in the bottom
press: worked up to 2 singles wit 185. Moved pretty well. Again, maybe 2 reps in the tank. Dropped off to 135 for a set of 6
I don't have much structure right now to these workouts. In general I've been trying to do 2 movements, and I adjust the intensity and volume to what I want to do that day. I haven't pressed heavy in a while so I wanted to take a couple heavy singles. I haven't front squatted too much in a while, so again I wanted to play with some heavier weights.My training is probably adhering to something like a heavy-light-medium scheme, in that each week I try and do the lifts heavy (usually the competition version), a medium lift(usually a paused lift) and a light lift(front squat, or something just lighter with a tempo). I've really been using this time to try and get with gauging RPE. I began experimenting with it more and more after my daughter was born, and with practice I've definitely improved. I'm still a bit stubborn, and I have to constantly remind myself if the plan is to leave a rep or 2 in the tank what that means. I also need to always remind myself that the guy who hit some PR"s back in April isn't the same person right now. Things change, especially with a 6 month old baby, buying a house, moving across the country, etc... But, ya still gotta train!
Last edited by Daniel Raimondi; 08-19-2017 at 09:58 AM.