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Thread: Brandi - Oly lifting/Strongwoman training log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    York, PA

    Default Brandi - Oly lifting/Strongwoman training log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm going to start posting my training log on here instead of just in random spiral-bound notebooks. Given that I compete, I figured this was the place to put it, even if the term competitive doesn't necessarily describe my lifts yet.

    First things first, background:

    153lbs - compete at 69kg
    35 years old

    History as a competitive oly lifter:
    I've been oly lifting seriously since mid-June (yes, this year) and did my first competition on July 30th (PA State Championships in York). I was the top (and only) master in my weight class.

    I already signed up for American Masters in November and I'm probably doing another meet in NJ in October. I have also signed up for a Strongwoman competition on October 9th.

    Prior athletic background: 1 year of Crossfit from June 2010 - June 2011, but I'm strictly an oly/strength girl now, with conditioning as prescribed by my coach.

    Current PRs:
    30kg snatch (set July 9th and matched in competition)
    43kg c&j (pressed it out July 2nd; PR set in competition)
    50kg FS (had been 54kg prior to quad pull in March 2011)
    65kg BS (had been 75kg prior to quad pull)

    Goals (2-3 months out):
    - 110lb axle press(/push press/jerk - however I can get it overhead) by the Strongwoman meet Oct 9th.
    - 40kg snatch by my next oly meet Oct 22/23rd.

    I just ordered Starting Strength last week but haven't been able to read it yet. I hope to start this weekend.

    Feel free to read, comment, ask questions or whatever once I start posting.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Oakland, CA


    I'll be following your log, Brandi thanks for posting!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    Oh, yes! YAY!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    York, PA


    I wish I would have started this at a younger age. I don't necessarily feel everything I've done in the past week, but I definitely feel the 15+ years that I did nothing.

    3rd day of training the week after the meet:

    20kg: 4x1
    22: 2x1
    25: 2x1
    27: 2x1 (90% of max)
    I was supposed to do doubles, but I have some shoulder issues that were aggravated by the meet last weekend. So instead of 1x2s, I did 2x1s and took a little break in between. This was also the first time working snatches since the meet because of said shoulder issues.

    cleans (no jerks):
    1x2 @
    38 (82% of max clean)

    1x3 @
    40 (80% of max)

    Finished up with 2 sets of 7 curls with the women's 15kg bar and some stretching and foam rolling. At this point, I was flat out exhausted.

    Then I went home and fell asleep with my shoulder sandwiched between some ice packs.

    Today is a rest day. Strongwoman and conditioning stuff tomorrow I believe.
    I generally train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This is mostly because of the schedule of the gym, but I do find that I still get wiped out pretty quickly. I'm hoping that as my body gets more accustomed to training this way, the recovery time becomes shorter and a little easier. Don't know if that's how it will work or not. Fingers crossed.

    And now, I need to get back to work before they fire me.

  5. #5


    I will follow this. Cause it's oly lifting!

    Maybe post some videos from competition or pictures :-).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    York, PA


    Thanks to everyone for following! I will work on pics when I'm able to post from home. Supposedly one of my friends has a video of my PR c&j from the meet. We'll see if that ever materializes. :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Looks like TBone has someone stepping on her toes.

    Good to see another female competing!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    York, PA


    I only had a little over an hour to train today. This was my first foray into the world of strongwoman (hereafter 'SW') training, so the primary goal was to just experience the lifts, get a feel for them and establish a starting point.

    log cleans (all singles):
    3 @ 70lbs
    5 @ 97lbs - my max regular clean is 46kg, so I was very pleased with this.

    single arm dumbbell clean & jerk (right side only - no point in pissing off my left shoulder when not entirely necessary):
    4 @ 45lbs - none of the jerks would have counted and I would have cracked my noggin a few times if my coach hadn't been spotting me. My PR barbell jerk is 43kg, so 45lbs with one arm is pretty much my max right now. I'm lacking the strength and control at the top as I try to lock out.

    Atlas stone lifts:
    I got 2 lifts into my lap and one was a little short. I made two other attempts but that thing just was not coming off the ground for any reason.

    Anvil carry
    107lbs - probably about 75-80 feet. I would have done more of these and probably some up a small incline if I had had the time today. Mike, my coach, said I will be doing lots of these in the future.

    Then I got sprayed down with fuel injector cleaner (or something similar) to get all of the handball glue (aka tacky) off my hands. I stopped at the store on the way home for two huge bottles of goo gone and a thing of Lava soap. Definitely gonna need those going forward.

    I got home from my random other activities around 4:00 and I was exhausted, so I napped for 3 hours. Tomorrow is another rest day. Yay!

    Marotta - TBone and I will both be competing at the same meet in November. I'm 150% sure she'll kick my ass, no matter what weight class she's in, but I look forward to meeting her.

    Also, I saw a few old CF friends today and one of them has some pics from my meet. Once she sends them, I'll see if there's anything worth posting.
    Last edited by Brandi120; 08-06-2011 at 08:16 PM. Reason: clarity

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Colorado Springs


    153lbs - compete at 69kg
    35 years old
    The hottest stats on this forum...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    York, PA


    starting strength coach development program
    The end of my opening c&j at my first meet (7/30/11) - 35kg:

    7-30-11 opening c&j cropped.jpg

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