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Thread: Fake breasts help your bench - lessons from my first PL meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK

    Default Fake breasts help your bench - lessons from my first PL meet

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I competed in my first meet on Saturday. It was the BDFPA Eastern Counties Divisional Championships.

    I loved it and learnt a lot, so wanted to share. If you’re toying with the idea of entering a meet but aren’t sure – just do it. It’s awesome!

    Here are the ten things I learnt. By definition, I am no expert – these are just my thoughts and others may disagree:

    1. Everyone’s a winner: There were 45 lifters there. Aged from 18 to 70. There were girls weighing under 40kgs, and guys three times that. Every one of them got cheered, applauded and supported on every lift. The respect you get from having the balls to step up and publically test yourself is incredible. The toughest, grindiest reps were cheered loudest of all. The atmosphere is electric. I train alone in my garage so getting out amongst other lifters and supporters was just awesome.
    2. Powerlifting is a family sport: I took my 14 month old daughter. Having her toddle into the warm-up area to give me a hug after my PR squat was amazing (she was wearing a “My Daddy is Stronger than your Daddy” t-shirt as well. Pretty sweet!) My mate brought his 4 year old son to watch - later that night he was lying on his kitchen floor practicing his bench press technique.
    3. Powerlifting might be the ultimate no-bullshit sport: Anyone can brag about what they can lift in the gym or down the pub. No-one was bragging in the warm-up area. Oh, you can squat 250kgs? Great, the bar will tell us the truth in 5 minutes time. There’s no point bragging – the bar will find you out soon enough.
    4. Preparation is really important: Read Andy Baker’s article on here. Watch the ‘my first meat’ video series on youtube. Read your federation’s rule book. Learn the commands. Know what you have to wear. Do everything you can to minimise the stress before your first attempt.
    5. Check your timing: I calculated I had two hours before my flight would start squatting. I went for breakfast. I got back 90mins later, just as they called my flight. I had 5 minutes to change, warm-up and go squat – preparation is great, but don’t fuck it up by making stupid mistakes and sending your stress levels soaring.. I should have brought breakfast with me and stayed in the room to watch the other lifters.
    6. Start light… I rushed my first lifts. I was focusing on the commands. I was highly aware of the crowd and the other lifters. I really didn't want to be worrying about whether or not I could actually make the lift. I started with weights that were a 3RM on squats, 5RM on bench and 5RM on deadlifts. They all went up easily.
    7. …but finish heavy: You’ll be better prepared for lifting than ever before. You’ll have the buzz of the crowd. By your third attempts you’ll be comfortable on the platform. I had a system full of caffeine and nose full of ammonia. You better be setting some PRs. I did, but still felt like I left a bit out there. I was surprised how strong I felt.
    8. Bring supplies: It’s a long day. I had about 2 hours between each of my lifts – just enough time to get nice and stiff. There wasn’t really anywhere to sit down. My lower back was killing me before deads. I ended up taking a lot of caffeine, and wishing I had more food with me.
    9. Plan a celebratory feast: I put some BBQ ribs in the slow cooker when I left in the morning. When I got home I feasted. This was a good decision.
    10. Fake breasts help your bench: There was an otherwise tiny girl there, with huge fake boobs. We’re talking G-cups. I watched closely to, er, see how they impacted her form.. They took a good 2 inches off her bench range of motion. She was basically doing a 2-board press every time. My bench is shit – now I know what I need to do!

    For anyone who’s interested, I went 8 from 9 on my lifts. Missed my third bench. Set a 5kg PR on squat, 10kg PR on deadlift and I’m counting my bench as a PR because it was paused. I came second in my weight class (<125kg), had the heaviest raw squat of anyone on the day and got invited to the national single lifts for squat. Hit a 560kg (1234lb) total but missed qualifying for full power nationals by 25kgs – sets me a nice target for next time..

    Probably irrelevant background information: I’m a guy, turn 34 this week, weighed in at 123.5kgs, live in Hertford in the UK and started SS back in September. Just moved to Advanced Novice (my log is here:

    Here’s some video of my best squat and deadlift. Any feedback on form very welcome..!

    Squat - 215kg / 474lbs

    Deadlift - 220kg / 485lbs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    Congrats and thanks for the write up. I agree with everything you wrote. Except the fake boobs , that I will, uh, have to see for myself.

    Caffeine! I had no access to coffee on the day of my meet and I missed it greatly.

    And I found the scene exactly the same down here, I got a louder cheer grinding out a shitty 85kg bench than the more experienced guys did opening with 130.

    Good total too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Congratulations man! Strong stuff!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Thanks guys! Re caffeine - a friend of mine was there with some 200mg caffeine tabs he used to use for bobsleigh. They sorted me out a treat!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Awesome job, man! Your post is really making me think of giving it a shot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by ecj View Post
    Awesome job, man! Your post is really making me think of giving it a shot.
    Just do it mate - you won't regret it!

    Quote Originally Posted by JC View Post
    Fuck you man; beat my total by a half kilo? You think i'm gonna let that stand?
    Ha, yep. Was gonna hit 219 on my deads but checked and thought fuck JC, I'm taking him down..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Horndean, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by DeriHughes View Post

    Ha, yep. Was gonna hit 219 on my deads but checked and thought fuck JC, I'm taking him down..
    healthy competition comes from all sorts of unlikely places! well done

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hampton, VA


    Great stuff. My wife is doing a meet in March and I'll do one later in the year. We're definitely trying to take the kids (5 and 3) to see mommy and daddy have fun.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Competition Benching with fake boobs gotta be pretty dangerous. risk of bursting with the pause placed right on the boob.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Toronto, Canada


    starting strength coach development program
    Thank you for the great write-up. Great lifts, I can't even fathom a 400lbs+ squat yet you guys are just killing it here. Very inspiring.

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