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Thread: Another squat check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Another squat check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hello again (again)

    Requesting some help for my squat, as these just feel horrible. I almost don't know what to do anymore, I feel like not one squat I do feels good, they always drift forward out of balance, or I only feel them in my lower back, or my lower back rounds and my knees cave in.... there is always something I seem to mess up..

    This is after a 10% deload due to horrible back rounding and not enough food.

    I'm 20 years old, 160lbs, 6ft tall with some long-ass tibias.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    During the last quarter of the ascent you do a weird thing where you fully extend the knees and finish the lift with your back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    During the last quarter of the ascent you do a weird thing where you fully extend the knees and finish the lift with your back.
    Yeah, maybe it's because I shoot my hips too much back during the ascend? I dont know...
    I'm just always focused on the back angle, making sure that it's not too vertical.
    Last edited by Martin Bavngaard; 07-24-2016 at 01:11 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Can you send video from another angle, see the stickie, it looks like you need to break at the knees earlier and get them out wider as well but hard to tell from the side. Your shins look to vertical at the bottom but I don't know if that's because you're tibia are really long or you're shoving your hips to far back. Try turning your feet out to a slightly greater angle cueing "knees first" and see if that makes any difference.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Pekingman View Post
    Can you send video from another angle, see the stickie, it looks like you need to break at the knees earlier and get them out wider as well but hard to tell from the side. Your shins look to vertical at the bottom but I don't know if that's because you're tibia are really long or you're shoving your hips to far back. Try turning your feet out to a slightly greater angle cueing "knees first" and see if that makes any difference.
    Yeah I know what the stickie says about angles, so I shot my second set at another angle. I just thought it was easier to spot the flaws from the side.
    Here you go:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    That set looked better than the first set. Still a bit lacking in the hip drauve, try slowing the descent more and feeling for the stretch reflex. They don't look as bad as what you say they feel.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Pekingman View Post
    That set looked better than the first set. Still a bit lacking in the hip drauve, try slowing the descent more and feeling for the stretch reflex. They don't look as bad as what you say they feel.
    That's good. Yeah, I'm working on my back extension at the bottom so that I can drive up my trunk. What do you think about my back angle? I'm rather leaned forward in the first video, but I feel more powerful when a bit more upright, just a couple of degrees. However Rip says to lean over more than you think you would, but maybe that's just for people used to high bar squatting? I'm so confused about that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Back angle looks ok in second set. If you're used to HBBS it will feel odd having a more horizontal back angle, the bar path has to be directly over your midfoot. Are you familiar with the master cue of "imagine the bar sliding in a vertical slot up and down over your midfoot." That helps clean up a lot of things, visualize that slot and let your body figure out the adjustments. Also check Tom Campitelli's eye gaze article.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Pekingman View Post
    Back angle looks ok in second set. If you're used to HBBS it will feel odd having a more horizontal back angle, the bar path has to be directly over your midfoot. Are you familiar with the master cue of "imagine the bar sliding in a vertical slot up and down over your midfoot." That helps clean up a lot of things, visualize that slot and let your body figure out the adjustments. Also check Tom Campitelli's eye gaze article.
    Yeah, I'm not quite used to it yet apparantly. So, the most important thing is that the bar is over midfoot, and the actual back angle comes 2nd?

    No, I havent utilized the "master cue" yet, but I have read Tom Campitelli's article. I'll video my next set just to be sure I'm being consistent. Thanks!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Bavnemand View Post
    Yeah, I'm not quite used to it yet apparantly. So, the most important thing is that the bar is over midfoot, and the actual back angle comes 2nd?

    No, I havent utilized the "master cue" yet, but I have read Tom Campitelli's article. I'll video my next set just to be sure I'm being consistent. Thanks!
    If I may be curious -- why did you stop doing high bar?

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