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Thread: Jordan, can you help a fluff ball with his macros?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Default Jordan, can you help a fluff ball with his macros?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Jordan, I appreciate all you do here.

    I'm coming up on 6 months of SS, started 5/2/16. I'll make road to here brief as possible: I'm a detrained former athlete, got (way) too fat, wanted to make a change and get strong again, started SS and making sure not to gain any more weight. (Details can be found in my log Fat Fuck Log)

    Well, I'm still riding out advanced novice programming and once that's done I'm going do the 4 day Texas Method, while trying to concentrate on fat loss, and would like to dial in some macros.

    I started at 345 lbs, today I was 342. I came into SS in a completely carb deprived state as I did keto from Jan to the end of April, losing 25 lbs. I also started taking creatine in August. So hopefully those things combined account for a few pounds lol. I have lost 4 inches around my naval, 2 around my chest, about 1/2 an in around arms and legs. Down about 4 pant sizes, from 46 to 42.

    Other relevant info:

    Height: 6'3"

    Body Fat estimate. Naval calculator says 34%, visual charts would put me between 30-35%, so seems about right.

    Lifts: start --> all current 5 rep sets
    Squat: 135 --> 385
    Bench: 135 --> 257.5
    Dead: 205 --> 455
    Press: 80 --> 167.5
    Clean: 135 --> 205 (3 reps)

    Did one full reset. In a small one right now due to a vacation.

    As far as my eating so far I started by just eating until I was just barely satisfied, making sure to eat lots of protein and monitor my weight toake sure it wasn't going up. I really wanted to get strong again knowing I have plenty of time to shed weight.
    The last month I've tracked everything pretty well, I've been averaging about 3500 cals, 250 g protein, 350 carbs, and 135 fat. These have varied pretty wildy day to day, but this has been the average for the last 30 days. I want to get more disciplined as move into winter and intermediate programming.

    I've read To Be a Beast a couple times fully. The macros for fatties and carb cycling can get a little messy, so I was hoping we could figure out a good starting point.

    My current schedule is kinda fucked at the moment. I lift first thing in the morning 5:15, bright and early. I play softball Wednesday nights and flag football Saturday morning. Currently lift Sun, Tues, Thursday. LISS Monday and Wednesday morning. I figure the ball sports are plenty of HIIT for the time being. Softball ends next week. Football the end of November. So I'll be lifting Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs once I get to the TM.

    Recommended macros per TBaB are p/c/f 431/345/93. If I want to lose 2 lbs a week. That would put my cals around 2500. Now I think for a fat ass like me 430 g of protein is excessive. If we use my lean mass of roughly 240, would 300g be appropriate? Maybe 275 to leave some more room for carbs. A healthy min for fat around 75g? Leaving about 182 g of carbs? So training days would be like 2500 cal 275p/185c/75f. I can tolerate low carb very well on off days. Would 2500 cals 275p/50c/133f on non lifting days be ridiculous? Am I way off base here? Thank you for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I'd do 250/350/100 w/ 35g of fiber per day everyday for 2 weeks and if you can be within 10g or so daily, I think you'd know PLENTY about wha you need to do with your macros after that. TBAB gets SUPER messy for those over 250lbs or so. One of the biggest reasons I hesitated even writing the damn thing was honestly due to the numbers not working for very light or very large humans.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I'd do 250/350/100 w/ 35g of fiber per day everyday for 2 weeks and if you can be within 10g or so daily, I think you'd know PLENTY about what you need to do with your macros after that. TBAB gets SUPER messy for those over 250lbs or so. One of the biggest reasons I hesitated even writing the damn thing was honestly due to the numbers not working for very light or very large humans.
    Jordan would you mind explaining your thinking on dropping only his fat 20g off what he is currently doing and what you expect him to see? Only 180 kcal? Experience? Just trying to see behind the curtain a touch. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemist View Post
    Jordan would you mind explaining your thinking on dropping only his fat 20g off what he is currently doing and what you expect him to see? Only 180 kcal? Experience? Just trying to see behind the curtain a touch. Thanks.
    That's actually a bigger change than I normally make initially and he's not been hitting those macros he reports consistently within +/- 5g on a daily basis so we'll also learn something in the process.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I'd do 250/350/100 w/ 35g of fiber per day everyday for 2 weeks and if you can be within 10g or so daily, I think you'd know PLENTY about wha you need to do with your macros after that. TBAB gets SUPER messy for those over 250lbs or so. One of the biggest reasons I hesitated even writing the damn thing was honestly due to the numbers not working for very light or very large humans.
    Thanks, should be simple enough. I'll give it a whirl for a couple weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemist View Post
    Jordan would you mind explaining your thinking on dropping only his fat 20g off what he is currently doing and what you expect him to see? Only 180 kcal? Experience? Just trying to see behind the curtain a touch. Thanks.
    For accuracy's sake, it's actually 35g less than what I have been averaging, so about 315 cals. And that varied big time day to day, like the range was from about 75 g to 200 g (chicken wings will get ya lol) depending on the day. So cleaning shit up and being more consistent might make a bigger difference than 315 cals on its own would.

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