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Thread: Run TM for Bench within Bill Starr 5x5?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Run TM for Bench within Bill Starr 5x5?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello, long time lurker here.

    I have been running Bill Starr 5x5 for 8 weeks now, and it isn't quite cutting it for bench. Everything else is progressing nicely with no stalls, but it takes two weeks just to get a 2.5lb (I use 1.25lb Ivanko collars for microloading) jump on my bench 5RM. That seems a bit slow for my stage.

    While I believe in following programs without messing with them, I also believe that when you know something isn't working then to seek adjustments.

    I am thinking of implementing a sort of TM model within the rest of the program. 5x5 sets aross on either monday or friday, and shoot for a new 5RM on friday or the next monday while doing the 4x5 of incline in the middle of the week. Is this a reasonable idea?

    Some stats:
    27 y.o. 5'10"
    186 lbs and gaining a little over a lb a week. I track food meticulously, and I can't gain much faster due to being active duty. My max is 191 and I will go up to 200 at the most until I EAS early next year. I get more than 8hrs of sleep a night and 1-2 hr naps on weekends. I do not think nutrition or recovery is an issue. I am also meticulous about form and like to believe it is good, but if I need to post a video I will.

    Squat 270x5 no stalls
    Deadlift 347.5x5 no stalls
    Bench 197.5x5 I always stall once then have to try and snag it the next week just for a 2.5lb jump.
    Row 190x5 Pendlay style from a deadstop. no stall

    Thanks for any ideas/input!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Yes, do that. Should get you unstuck. I'd rather see the middle day be Presses and not Inclines but not a huge deal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Thank you for the input! Before I implement this, and I have purchased/read Justin's book, and I couldn't find anything on it but...

    There should be no issue if I want to do the volume on a friday, and give my body two *complete* days of rest and eating then attack the intensity on monday correct? The only templates/examples of TM I could find were volume on one day, 1 day rest, light day, 1 day rest, then intensity, etc.

    Nothing on volume day, 2 days rest, intensity day , 1 day rest, light day, rest day, repeat. Sorry if this is confusing as to what I am asking. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Just try it and see. Never done it that way, but it could work

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