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Thread: Deadlift warm-up question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Deadlift warm-up question

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I've been doing SS for 13 sessions and it's been amazing. I'm 5,7ish, 155lbs, male, 21 yo.

    My warm-up for the dead is: 1x5->1x5->1x3->1x2 then 1x5 work set.

    I started deadlifting with 110lbs (the bar here weighs 10kg + 20kg each side). Now I'm deadlifting 205lbs. Since I started way light, my first warm-up set was 66lbs (10kg each side) and I've kept it so far.

    Two problems:

    Last workout, I made ~35lbs jumps between sets. Don't know if it's too much or not.

    The 10kg plates put the bar too low on height. I have to use 25kg plates (making the system 25kg+25kg+10kg = 135lbs) to put the bar at an okay height (still a bit lower than with olympic plates.). I put plates on the floor to make it better, though, but starting with 135lbs for the first warm-up would make things easier.


    At what work set weight can/should I make my first warm-up set with 135lbs?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Start now. 135 x 5.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    In the last two months I have coached both a friend and my fiancee to deadlift, squat and press.

    The friend is 160lbs and works with fabric and sequins 7 hours a day.
    My partner is 140lbs and has had multiple ankle wrist and knee injuries.
    She also has barely recovered from the following viruses: Barma Forest Fever, Glandular Fever, Ross River Fever.

    Both their dead-lifts started at 135lbs on the first workout and have not stalled since.
    You should consider than maybe you aren't trying hard enough, unless of course I have you wrong and you are in fact an amputee.

    but even then...

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