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Thread: Holding Strength/Muscle on RFL diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Holding Strength/Muscle on RFL diet

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm just about ready to go on RFL for 2-3 weeks, and I'd love it if I could hold on to my muscle and strength levels as much as possible. Based on Lyle's advisory, how does this tentatively sound?

    Tuesday Week 1:

    Squats - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR
    Bench Press - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR
    Pullups - 1 set

    Saturday Week 1:

    Squats - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR
    Press - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR
    Rows - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR

    Tuesday Week 2:

    Deadlift - 1x5 at current 1x5 PR
    Bench Press - 2x5 at current 3x5 PR

    Saturday Week 2:

    Same as Saturday Week 1.

    Tuesday Week 3:

    Same as Tuesday Week 1.

    My other question is, how do I handle the high likelihood of reduced strength? Frankly, my lifts go down if I eat 200 calories under maintenance the day before a workout.

    To maximize muscle preservation in this case, should I just accept only getting say 3 reps in the set, or should I be decreasing the weight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Dayton, OH


    Since you are only doing it for 2-3 weeks, you will be alright. If you're strength drops a whole lot it is most likely due to glycogen depletion and loss of some leverages. If you just doing heavy lifting w/ long rests it may take that long to get depleted in the first place. You shouldn't have to worry about muscle loss if you are still training heavy.

    Don't let the low calories psych you out.

    You could reset a bit, and w/ typical volume work back up to your current 3x5 and 1x5 RM's at the end of the diet period. Thats probably what I would do, just to keep some semblance of forward momentum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Would it be possible for someone (OP) to outline the RFL diet here? I bought Lyles UD2.0 and got some great info from it but it wasn't for me; I'm 17 - 20% bf not <15%.

    I would ask on his forum, but his put downs have none of the humour of Rips.

    I would also like to hear updates on how the above programme worked out for you in 2 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by WatsupHannity View Post
    Frankly, my lifts go down if I eat 200 calories under maintenance the day before a workout.

    This shows a lack of mental strength more than anything. Get under the bar and lift it.

    Also, reducing the intensity on everything but the most taxing lift is silly.

    Personally, I'd lift a little more often, heavy, and just accept the fact that it's going to suck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    I'm currently doing the same thing. I'm following RFL and reducing my body weight for a good amount to see if weight loss can truly reduce loose skin. I'm using my diminishing strength as a sign of lean muscle mass loss and improper protein intake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    San Francisco


    How's the progress goin hannity? Keep us posted man!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    San Diego, CA USA


    starting strength coach development program
    If you're following RFL for only 2-3 weeks, don't worry about it too much because you'll be getting lots of protein and it's such a short period of time, you won't lose much strength at all. Just be sure to eat the protein.

    FWIW, I've been dieting for about 10 weeks following SS (bodyweight is dropping a consistent 2 lb/week). Early on, I saw a frightening and precipitous drop in strength, but then I did some reading and increased my protein intake, and I think I've halted the regression. Around week 7, I reset all my weights and started back on a linear progression, while continuing to eat at a ~1000 cal deficit each day. My numbers are currently 10-15# below the PR's for sets across during SS.

    Psychologically, I found it much easier to get back into the linear progression mindset, instead of trying to chase after max weights on any given day.

    In my case, I found it very difficult to finish sets of 5. I think you might do better with 3 x 3, which, if you keep the intensity up, should be enough to maintain strength. You'll have to play around with it to see how your body reacts to the caloric deficit, but the last thing you should do is use that deficit as an excuse for not getting the weight up. I know, easier said than done.

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