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Thread: ***DANGER*** Old Squid Lifting Fast ***DANGER***

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD

    Default ***DANGER*** Old Squid Lifting Fast ***DANGER***

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    I've spent some time goofing off post-linear progression trying some other stuff (a little more CF and some Oly work courtesy of James Fitzetzgerald (OPT) and Greg Everett), and determined that the Oly stuff is what I really enjoy. Johnny Pain's recent postings about older lifters (hey, I'm 40 and seem to be recovering slower) and a little question on my part along with some reading along the way (good article by Louie Simmons on Mike's Gym website and some other stuff) have led to the following plan:

    Mon: BP/OHP&Chin BS
    Tue Conditioning
    Wed Sn/C&J BP/OHP&Chin DL
    Th Rest
    Fri BP/OHP&Chin FS Conditioning
    Sat Sn C&J
    Sun Rest/Yoga ('cause I ain't getting any more flexible)

    Sn/C&J will alternate every Weds. I'll be incorporating some ideas of Louie Simmons about reps and progression here. Sat will be both lifts, and I will run up if I am "feeling it." The conditioning is for military purposes and the simple fact that I still like to row (I crewed as an undergrad many moons ago, and still like it). I am going to row in the CRASH-B sprints in February since I am in Boston, and think it'll be "fun."

    So this'll start Monday. I have an Oly Seminar (yeah, it's CF, but it's really Mike Burgener that's the draw) for the next two days, so that seems like a good place to start off this little stretch.

    I'm not going to set any audacious goals here at this point other than to keep training each week and minimize injury (I've had too much of that this year).

    Let's get'er done.

    EDIT: OH YEAH, I did do a linear progression earlier this year. That log can be found here too. To summarize my previous 1RMs:

    LBBS: 315#
    DL: 335# (I know, this sux)
    PC: 155#
    SP: 153#
    Last edited by Greg C; 11-22-2010 at 06:38 PM. Reason: some info about what I did before this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    OK, seminar is done. TIRED. Worked my ass off this weekend, but feel like I got a lot out of it. Although CF calls it a "cert," and you certainly get the tools the Burgener uses to teach it, and some instruction on seeing issues (we had some pretty decent assistance coaches - EC Synkowski, James Hobart and Ben Bergeron), I feel mostly just competent in being able to spy my issues in video'd footage rather than being up to teaching some else (which was all I was hoping for anyway).

    So, if I can move tomorrow (I was sore ass today) I will be on the way. From a Progression standpoint with the two lifts, my plan is to drill the bejeesus out of them to start, and use "comfortable max" as my daily load limit to ensure I keep the best form possible. Going to have to get a new video camera so I can eyeball myself regularly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    OK, so for the record, when I stopped my brief volume progression in July, this is where I stood:

    BS: 285x5 (315 1RM confirmed by spotter)
    BP: 185x5 (no 1RM performed)
    SP: 153x2
    DL: 330x1
    FS: 225
    Also, since then my Oly lifts maxed at:
    Sn: 133#
    Cn: 190#
    Jerk (from rack/from Cn): 200#

    So there's the baseline.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    Today's effort:

    W/U: some jogging, DU, GHD situps, pushups

    BP: 165x5/5/7
    BS: 235x5/5/6

    Note: I won't be bothering to report W/U sets, but they'll be similar to what Rip recommended in SS

    I was tired and sore today from the weekend, and I'm sure this had an impact. Obviously, I chose to start conservatively with about 15% down from July (I'm assuming I've lost some strength due to inconsistent strength work and several injury breaks). I have high hopes for this training plan - it looks sustainable from a time and recovery standpoint (at least on paper), and it will allow me to work the quick lifts 1-2 times per week while emphasizing building strength. As for my goal comment the other day, I think I will revise that based on what Rip posted the other day when replying to Randle Murphy over on his thread "Speed deadlifts":

    Rip: "You are a 200 lb Olympic weightlifter who is not strong enough to pull twice his body weight off the ground. My point is that for you, right now, the snatch and the C&J are interfering with you becoming a better weightlifter. Do them once/week spend your training time getting strong. This is what's wrong: you don't identify weightlifting as a strength sport. To you it is some type of gymnastic event. Get your deadlift up to 500 x 5, your squat to 425 x 5, your FS to 375 x 3, your press to 250 x 5, and then see what has happened to your 2 lifts. "

    Like it or not, this describes me to some extent (physically at least --- I know damn well that Oly is a strength sport). So, that's the goal right there for now. The we'll consider some competition to keep the motivation high.
    Last edited by Greg C; 10-11-2010 at 01:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    Weigh-in Wednesday: 207
    - not trying to gain or lose or maintain (really), just tracking 1x/week.

    15 Minutes of warm-up with Jump rope, Burgener W/U (PVC), then Sn-position drills (top to bottom), OHS & SN-Balance w/PVC
    SN: 2x3 @65#
    Sn: x1x12 @60% 1RM (80#) on the minute. More less good than more good, although a few felt really good. Stay at 60% for next week.
    OHP: 125x5x2,125x7
    Chin: 3x10 @ BW
    DL: 275x8x1. DL will be done until form begins to break down and no further since I have some history of sucking here.

    Rest tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    BP: @167.5#: 5/5/8 (last one ugggggly, but up)
    FS: @175#: 5/5/7

    Conditioning: row 3x500m/r3:00
    1:46.9/148.4/1:51.2 - ave 148.8

    I would have a hard time rowing 2k <7:30 right now methinks. Sad state of affairs. Must correct. Want sub 7 for CRASH-B.

  7. #7
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    Fort Washington, MD


    Nothing this past weekend due to a massive load of grad school crap and a good decision to keep a promise about an afternoon out with my better half.

    Today, as scheduled:
    SP @127.5 - 5/5/7
    BS @245 - 5/5/8
    Chin 3x12 - UB/UB/UB

    I've made the decision to take 10# hops each Monday (BS) and Friday (FS) based on JP's original plan being BS only on M/F with 5# hops every time. I know this may not be sustainable for long, but we'll roll with it and be flexible. Squat felt MUUUUUCCCCCHH better today that last week due to being well rested.

  8. #8
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    Fort Washington, MD


    A little keep-me-from-puking fest this morning:

    3 RFT:
    15 1.5pd KBS
    30 DU

    KBS: UB/10-5/8-7
    DU: UB/27-3/ugly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    Some morning action:

    BP @ 170#: 5/5/8
    C&J: @60% (115#): 12x1 on the minute. Felt pretty good today
    DL @ 280#: x5. Suck. Don't think I rested near enough after C&J here. First rep was freakin' hard to even break off the floor. Ugh.

    Edit: Weigh-in 209#
    Last edited by Greg C; 10-23-2010 at 10:46 AM. Reason: Brain fart

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fort Washington, MD


    starting strength coach development program

    SP @ 130: 5/5/7
    FS @ 180: 5/5/6 - dropped my damn elbows and dumped #7. Idiot.
    Chin 3x15: UB/UB-13-2 (repeat this next time)

    Cond: 8x row :30/1:30 rest. ave 196m/sprint.

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