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Thread: Alteration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Alteration

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm 6', 240. Moving slowly through novice SS. Numbers are currently:
    Squats 250
    DL 280
    Press 97.5
    BP 140
    PC 70ish

    So, it looks like I've progressed on the deadlift enough to not be able to do it every other session. Unfortunately, my power clean is lagging far behind, and the once every four sessions deadlift isn't cutting it for adaptation purposes. I'm actually detraining in between sessions, and had extreme trouble with my last couple of DL sessions, and just failed 285 last night.

    My other issue is that I currently don't have the equipment to be able to do a proper glute ham raise. It's on the to make/buy list, but another set of 45s, a set of bumper plates, a lifting platform, and maybe even a new bar are ahead of it in line. That makes days when I don't DL or powerclean really light.

    Would doing something like this work out, both to get my power clean back up to speed and keep my dl progressing?

    Press/Benchpress Alternate
    Power Clean/Power Clean/Deadlift Alternate
    Chins(Only on Power Clean days)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Why do you think you can not progress every other session on DL? That is barely over body weight, you should be able to do much more if your form and grip are correct. What part of the are you failing in? I wold identify if there is an issue and fix it before changing anything else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I think I have technique down well enough, but it's entirely possible it's a grip issue. Right now, I'm still doing double overhand, and swapping to hook grip if my grip starts to go.

    Also, my bodyweight is made up of more fat than I'd really like. Last time I had it checked, it was 24%, and my body hasn't had any significant recomposition since then. So, that bodyweight isn't exactly made of muscle.

    So, swap to different grip and head back to alternating PC/DL?
    Last edited by John Dickens; 05-30-2011 at 07:32 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    What's the deal with your power clean?

    If you are only power cleaning 5 x 3 x 70 lbs, that isn't affecting your recovery. You can afford to power clean more often in order to actually get better at power cleans. You could do some as a warmup, finisher, etc.

    But, just use whatever grip allows you to keep adding weight to the bar on deadlifts. It doesn't make sense for you to stall at that weight.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TBone View Post
    What's the deal with your power clean?
    A number of issues, all but one of which are definitely my own damn fault. And the last one may be, depending on how you look at it.

    One, I held off on starting power cleans because I didn't have bumper plates. (Still don't. Almost have enough saved up for a set.) Two, when I did start them, my technique was terrible. And I compounded that mistake by adding weight rather than fixing technique.

    The last is that my right wrist is fucked from a data entry job I did when I was younger. The range of motion on it is a good thirty percent less than on my left wrist, and my left wrist was none too flexible in the first place. This makes racking the bar hard on a good flexibility day, and impossible on a bad flexibility day. I am trying to unfuck it, but it is a long, slow and painful process.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Not sure why you're having problems with the deadlift, at your bodyweight it's most likely that you just need to spend more time lifting. It does take some time for your body to make the necessary muscular adaptations to be able to deadlift proficiently.

    But if you really think you can't recover well from deadlifting, just put it on Wednesday, and power clean on Monday and Friday. I would say that glute ham raises are for girls, except TBone is here and might misunderstand. There are other better alternatives, deficit deadlift, SLDL, RDL, goodmorning, to name a few.

    Chins are not a power clean substitute.

  7. #7
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    Asheville, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC1 View Post
    I would say that glute ham raises are for girls, except TBone is here and might misunderstand.
    You can say it.

    I won't misunderstand as long as all of the guys here who squat less than I do don't misunderstand when I tell them to stop being pussies and harden the fuck up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Colorado Springs


    I do glute ham raises OG style. On the floor, no hands. But I deadlift more than damn near everyone on here. With a broken spine. I also do volume front squats three times a week. Sometimes twice a day. But I do heavy weight/high reps for half of my workouts so be careful about listening to me because of that as well. However, TBone can't tell me to harden up because I really need to soften back to just a hard dude. So people say.

    Sometimes one just needs a program that works for their body. You never know. A lot of dudes on here laugh at high reps but I just put 60 lbs on an advanced deadlift in one month with them. Its a strange world.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TBone View Post
    I won't misunderstand as long as all of the guys here who squat less than I do don't misunderstand when I tell them to stop being pussies and harden the fuck up.
    Perfectly reasonable. Now what are you squatting again? Need to make sure I'm not being outsquatted by a girl.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Asheville, NC


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC1 View Post
    Perfectly reasonable. Now what are you squatting again? Need to make sure I'm not being outsquatted by a girl.
    Well, I just finished squatting 165 lbs for 5-5-12, but that's high bar. So, I really hope that I'm at 225 high bar and then more than that low bar. Not gonna max and find out, though. I have important shit to do.

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