Originally Posted by
Barry Charles
I have had two PVD's within a year. Both had minor retinal tears, emergency visits to the retinal surgeon, both repaired in the office. It's very obvious when the retina tears because your eye fills with blood in addition to the flashes. (Most humans will have virtual detachments before they die and most won't notice when it happens). In my case, however, both have left my vision with a fair bit of debris. Best described as looking through a dirty windshield that you can't clean. Refractive vision has returned to what it had been. A vitrectomy (removal and replacement of the vitreous), can be effective but does require a long activity free recovery. My Dr's have recommended to not do it and to give it a few YEARS to clear by itself.
Both times i was released for lifting immediately. Two of the three retinal surgeons (same practice) convincingly said that the pressure from valsalva or muscle contraction DOES NOT put pressure on the retina. A third surgeon said to cease activities for a few weeks but when I asked why, he said that what he always says. When I explained I was training for competition he said, avoid explosive olympic lifts, impact sports (e.g. boxing), and jarring exercises like running but lifting was ok.
As far as I can tell, retina detachments (different than tear, but tears can become detachments) are commonly caused by car accidents, and blows to the head, as well as certain genetic conditions and diseases. There is no consensus (and no surprise) very little knowledge when it comes to strength training. The generic recommendation for anything eye related, WEB MD etc, is to cease activities for some period. My feeling is that this is a CYA answer and most people are inactive anyway.
PVD and other eye issues have been discussed elsewhere on the board, but no strong consensus.
I share your frustration. It is your vision - an important thing- but I made a personal decision to continue training and competing. Ultimately you will have to do the same and there is no right answer. Sorry.