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Thread: Maintaining grip strength through Starr Rehab Protocol (groin strain/tear)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Maintaining grip strength through Starr Rehab Protocol (groin strain/tear)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    After reading this: "After 10 days of 25s [reps], go up in weight and down in reps to 15s, then to 10s, and finally to 5s. During this time do NO OTHER HEAVY WORK, so that your resources can focus on the injury. You should be fixed in about 2 weeks, squatting more than you hurt yourself with," I wonder if the best way to maintain grip strength for the deadlift while ensuring resources aren't diverted from healing a groin tear is to do rack pulls with the pins set very close to the top of the ROM and doing static holds.
    I couldn't find any other information on this, so all input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Long Island, NY


    I would still keep doing upper bodywork and some deadlifts (at least a heavy set of 5 once a week) as you recover from this. Look at the protocol more as a guide than an exact prescription. Start with higher reps (I like to start people around 15 for this) and lightweight and progress to lower reps at heavy weights. Use a ramping up (pyramid) style of loading. Train every 48-72 hours. Drop the reps by 2-3 every 2-3 sessions until you are back to 3 sets of 5 reps. I've found that things can get messy quick at 25 reps, even with very light weights. I know Will has a different protocol that he has posted about on these boards. It may take some searching on your part to find if you want to try it.

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