Hi there, Mark,
Few details about me: Male, 24 yo, 6'1'' 198lbs. Currently running SS LP. Prior work on The Bridge, by bb medicine, and another program from Mike Matthews.
Other details that might be of importance: Had to stop LP during week 3 bc of testicular pain, doc diagnosed a double hernia, ending up being bs. Recovered and came back to LP. Had a week off due to a vacation trip. Returned to the program

My squats started stalling first at 290lb. I deloaded, introduced the light day on Wednesdays, came back to 310lb. Yesterday I tried 315 and failed. I was only able to do 4, 4, and 3 reps. After that I failed my press at 157.5 (I suspect from the toll those squats took on me. I was able to complete my DL at 345.

My question: Is it possible that I am stalling already and should move towards having only one heavy squat day, as explained in Practical P. ? Or am I missing something else that is messing with my squats?
I have a tight control of my diet (I actually do drink about 4 glasses of milk/day with protein powder) and try/manage to get at least 7h of sleep/night.
Here is a video of the 315lb attempt : YouTube
Many thanks in advance for your time