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Thread: Squat form check, back aching

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Austin, Texas

    Default Squat form check, back aching

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Relevant stats:
    I've been doing SS for around a month. I'm 42 years old, male, 235 lbs.
    SQ - 255 lbs
    BP - 135 lbs
    Press - 67 lbs
    DL - 265 lbs

    I've read SS and Mark's Q&A forum. There's a lot of info, and I might have missed some stuff, but I'm doing the program to the best of my understanding. Any deviations from the program are from my ignorance rather than willful stubbornness.

    Except for these deviations, that is:
    1. I'm only working out twice a week instead of 3 times (I'm 40+)
    2. I haven't added PC's (yet) because I think I read somewhere that Rip likes to see DL above 300 before adding them, but I can't remember where that was. So I'm still doing DL twice a week.

    The weights have started to feel heavy, but I've still been able to finish my reps/sets. I haven't stalled yet, for whatever that's worth.

    Anyway, for the last few weeks my back has been sore the next day after working out, and its been getting progressively more sore as the weight has been going up. The soreness has always faded by the next workout. On my last workout, my back was really sore immediately after doing squats (ie, not delayed like before), but unfortunately I don't have a video of that. Its been a day and the soreness has faded, but that was definitely a wakeup call to needing a form check.

    The last video I have is from a couple weeks ago of me lifting 230 lbs. I know its not ideal, but I'd like some feedback before my next workout, which I'll definitely film.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    That video is tough, but I can tell you a few things. You need to get some weightlifting shoes. You look to be well above parallel on every one of your squats. Your stance is probably a little wide. Make sure your shorts are made of stretchy material. If they don't stretch, they will potentially interfere with you getting depth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Austin, Texas


    Thanks, Tom!!

    I totally agree on the shoes. Its on the list of things to to get, but back to school expenses for the kids have put that off for the last few weeks. Decent shorts will have to go on the shopping list, as well.

    I have some videos of last night's workout, but since I hadn't read your comments yet, I didn't implement any fixes yet. From looking at it, I'm definitely not hitting the proper depth. Here is the video from my third set last night, doing 250 lbs:

    For what its worth, I didn't have the immediate back pain after squats last night...just the "normal" next day soreness. Its hard to tell if its a normal part of strengthening the back muscles, or if there is a real issue going on.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2015
    Austin, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    You look to be well above parallel on every one of your squats.
    I was thinking about this some more last night. If I've gotten this far dishonestly, do I need to deload in order to work on my form? If so, how much to deload by?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You look to be overextending your spine on your ascent. That can piss your back off pretty well. Given that you are very high on every one of those squats, perhaps 6 to 8 inches high, I would take 50 pounds off the bar, narrow your stance, and bury them.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2015
    Austin, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    You look to be overextending your spine on your ascent. That can piss your back off pretty well. Given that you are very high on every one of those squats, perhaps 6 to 8 inches high, I would take 50 pounds off the bar, narrow your stance, and bury them.
    Will do. Thank you, sir!

  7. #7
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    Austin, Texas


    Here's another video, two workouts after deloading by 50 lbs. Third set of 210 lbs. Am I hitting depth, and am I still overextending my back on the way up?

    If I am still overextending my back, what is a good cue to fix it? I'm trying to keep everything tight and trying to keep my back still, but maybe there's a better cue?


  8. #8
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    Mar 2008


    Depth looks much better, but it is still filmed from too high for me to say for sure. They are probably good. Your stance is now a touch too narrow. Think: shoulder width. You are on your toes on every rep. Think: heels. I strongly suggest better shoes.

    As far as overextension goes, stop leading with your chest. Get very tight, especially your abs. Drive your butt up. Keep the feeling of pushing up with your hips all the way to the top of the movement.

  9. #9
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    Austin, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    Depth looks much better, but it is still filmed from too high for me to say for sure. They are probably good. Your stance is now a touch too narrow. Think: shoulder width. You are on your toes on every rep. Think: heels. I strongly suggest better shoes.

    As far as overextension goes, stop leading with your chest. Get very tight, especially your abs. Drive your butt up. Keep the feeling of pushing up with your hips all the way to the top of the movement.
    Thanks!! I will implement on my next workout, and post another video.

    Shoes and materials to build a platform are next on my list of purchases. My garage floor is sloped enough that I'm too embarrassed to post a deadlift form video because the stupid bar keeps rolling away from me between reps. Totally pathetic. On the other hand, I should post it just so you all can get a laugh out of it.

    Once the back to school bills stop hitting, I'll be back to spending on this. I don't remember my parents having to pay for extracurricular sports and stuff as a kid. One kids needs $200+ for volleyball, and the other three need $150 each for choir. Choir!!! I thought once we got past books and supplies we were done, but the hits just keep on coming...

  10. #10
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    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Understood. Best of luck, sir.

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