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Thread: Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    OK. I don't have time for this shit, but my coach, Tamara Cohen, insists that I do this. I work full time (read, 60 hrs/week), have 4 kids, and work out at the gym 7 hour/week (Tue, Thurs 2 hrs, Saturday for 3 hrs). I don't know if I can keep up this log after this initial entry, but here goes.

    I am 53, 5'1", 130 lbs. I started Crossfit about 2.5 years ago after 20 years of being a couch potato + giving birth to 4 kids. I had been very athletic as a young woman (tennis, swimming, gymnastics, hiking, running). When I had my first child at 32, I let myself go. I had my 4th child at age 42. By then, I was barely moving. At age 51, I started Crossfit. My fitness level improved dramatically over the next two years, but I also injured myself to the point of needing rotator cuff surgery in November of 2011. It was a very painful recovery as I had "frozen shoulder syndrome." After surgery, I quit Crossfit and joined Asheville Strength and Conditioning to rebuild my strength. For the few months or so, I was restricted to Airdyne, light dumbells, and lower body work. Then, in Feb, I was allowed to begin lifting very light weights.


    Squat 65# 3x5
    DL 55# 3x5
    OH Press 3 lb dumbbells 3x10

    On 4/13/12 I started to snatch at 10 kg.

    On 4/21/12 I started to power clean at 33#.

    On 6/1/12 I started to Bench at 24.5#.

    On 7/24/12 I started to front squat and hit 145# x 1.

    On 8/12 I did the following:
    Snatch 29 kg x 1
    Clean 44 kg x 1
    My shoulder is still very weak and a bit painful, so I am going slow on the Olympic lifts.

    On 9/4 I did the following:
    Squat 225# x 1
    OHP 60# 3x5

    On 9/6/12 I did the following
    Bench press 80# at 3x5
    DL 230# x 5
    FS 170# x 1

    So, that's my story. Weak upper body, strong lower body. Operation Upper Body Strength in force.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen

    Welcome your majesty.
    Coaches can be cruel.
    I find my likelihood of maintaining my online log increases dramatically if I post during my rest periods. Of course this requires a smart phone. And the tapatalk app helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    brooklyn, son

    Default Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen

    Pixies, awesome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Today I learned that I've shrunk from 5'1" to 5' even. Nice. I love growing older.

    Look, I am actually posting again. This is amazing. I don't know how much longer I can commit the time necessary to keep this up, though.

    Squat singles (in lbs)
    205 just above parallel
    215 well below parallel
    227 A NEW PR!!! And well below parallel
    230 crash and burn, oh well.
    Back off doubles: 185, 195, 205 (the last 205 was a GRIND, but I did it)
    My shoulder started aching very badly during back off sets. Had to apply a lacrosse ball to it in order to continue lifting.

    Press (in lbs)
    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    3x5x 62.5 All strong except the very last lift. At that point, my right arm was stronger than my left (rotator surgery) and I was able raise the bar with my right but not my left arm, bummer.

    Close grip bench (for shoulder strengthening purposes) 3 x 8 x 57.5#

    Power Clean singles (in kgs)
    25 kg
    46 had trouble getting under the bar and hit myself in the chest twice, so I stopped. Tamara pointed out that I should be using the women's bar, not the men's bar. Duh. Too late to switch over. At this point my legs felt trashed and my shoulders hurt. Time to call it quits.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Quote Originally Posted by SquatQueen View Post
    I don't know how much longer I can commit the time necessary to keep this up, though.
    Keep it up! I have my wife, a pretty good squatter, mother, teacher, etc who is your age, watch your DL video.

    We enjoyed it!
    Last edited by Oldster; 09-08-2012 at 06:19 PM. Reason: because I HAVE a wife, not 'had'

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Europe


    Great work! Love to see operation Upper Body Strength in action

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Thanks for the comments. My upper body strength is what's keeping me from competing. I need to improve in my bench before I compete as a powerlifter. Rotator cuff surgery left me very weak in my left arm (I was unable to lift a 1# dumbbell 8 weeks after surgery). I've come a long way, but have a lot of work to do yet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Squat Queen is posting her log just to humor Tamara Cohen

    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah I was gonna suggest that we direct all the 135lb, 17-25 year old boys who are stalling at 185-225lb deadlifts etc. (but don't want to eat anymore cause they might get fat) here so that your achievements can smack them in the face.

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