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Thread: How do you prefer to be addressed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default How do you prefer to be addressed?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    This is a silly question I know, but just for clarity I was wondering if there is a particular way you like/dislike to be addressed?

    Some people have mentioned you hate being called coach.

    I may have called you this in a few posts for both the novelty (I have never had a coach for anything) and as some kind of respect.

    But no body likes a butt-kiss of course.

    If you prefer to be called by your name or friendly abbrevations, let us know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    "Coach" is the fat guy with the whistle and the paddle in high school gym class. I know it is used here as a term of respect, so I never complain about it. But since you asked, Rip is just fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    This is a silly question I know, but just for clarity I was wondering if there is a particular way you like/dislike to be undressed?
    Fixed that for you, Dastardly. LOL.

    I'm sorry, Rip, I'll stop being an infantile asshole now. Don't know what's come over me recently. Need to get a hobby, medication, job, or something. I'll buy you a drink one of these days to make up for it.

    On a slightly more serious note (who am I kidding, it's still stupid shit, but might as well play out this useless stream of consciousness to it's end), that whole CrossFit controversy was inane concerning use of the sacrosanct title, "Coach." Looks to have been for naught as well since it seems now that CrossFit Level II persons (why did Dante's Inferno just pop into my head?) can refer to themselves as possessing an "Accredited Coaches Certification." My how things change. So much silliness, so little time (I know, pot..kettle..yeah, yeah).

    Now, on an even more slightly serious note, will your new format at some point carry any CEU's with any accredited "fitness" organization/s?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    "Coach" is the fat guy with the whistle and the paddle in high school gym class. I know it is used here as a term of respect, so I never complain about it. But since you asked, Rip is just fine.
    That's a relief.
    I had assumed only your friends could call you Rip.
    I was prepping a post in which I addressed you as The Most Powerful Human Being in the Entire Universe.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    It would be a bit chickenshit to apply for CEU-provider status with organizations that I regularly bitch about and slander on every available occasion, no? So we won't be doing that. You'll have to decide to come to our seminar on the basis of its own merit.

    The Most Powerful Human Being In The Entire Universe is also an acceptable form of address.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It would be a bit chickenshit to apply for CEU-provider status with organizations that I regularly bitch about and slander on every available occasion, no? So we won't be doing that. You'll have to decide to come to our seminar on the basis of its own merit.

    The Most Powerful Human Being In The Entire Universe is also an acceptable form of address.
    The Most Powerful Human Being In The Entire Universe:

    Understandable on foregoing the CEU-provider status.

    And of course I still want to attend, with or without CEUs (or I should say re-attend, since I did the CrossFit Barbell cert). Just trying to figure out timing of retaking since I do need CEU's this year; some of us fledgling trainer wannabes need to maintain our certs while starting out for insurance, etc., as we aspire to one day ourselves become a Very Powerful Human Being Within The Most Powerful One's Universe (she genuflects and backs away slowly while saying "Thank you, Most Powerful One")

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    I understand the utility of offering CEUs for attendance. It makes the money stretch a little further by killing 2 birds with the legendary single BFR. We thought about it quite a bit, but decided that the problems outweighed the advantages. If there is an organization in existence that applying to be a provider for would not be a moral problem, I'd like to know which one it might be.

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