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Thread: Silicon Valley versus Wichita Falls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default Silicon Valley versus Wichita Falls

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    One of my favorite shameless self promoters, Tim Ferriss, is touting all of his SV buddies and their vastly superior lives, including approach to strength and health.......California style.

    Masters of the Silicon Valley fitness universe - San Francisco Chronicle

    I refer you to the protagonists bragging rights to their lifting prowess.

    When it comes to health and fitness promotion, just like real estate....Location, location, location. I suspect you could not imagine a greater physical location and mindsest contrast than SV v Wichita Falls.

    As a born and bred third generation Californian, with an itch to be an "immigrant" (ie get the hell out), it would seem that Wichita Falls possibly preferable.

    What I would like to see, for maximum entertainment value, a panel discussion with Rip and these "masters of the fitness universe".

    My question to will you promote the spiritual value of SS? You got the strength, recovery, and nutrition angle. covered. The Mindfulness and Virtue signalling needs some buffing up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Gosh, Kieth, I don't know. If the taxes and property values don't persuade, a guy needs to just stay in California until the earthquake, or the imminent secession, whichever comes first. After all, there's no surfing in The Falls.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Vancouver, BC


    "The Mindfulness and Virtue signalling needs some buffing up."

    One of the reasons that SS appeals to me is the fact that there's no silly "mindfullness" talk. The Church of Rip sounds cool though.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Burnett View Post
    As a born and bred third generation Californian, with an itch to be an "immigrant" (ie get the hell out), it would seem that Wichita Falls possibly preferable.
    I was looking at pics myself and it seems like WF is a bit like how Marysville or Chico was once upon a time, you know perhaps?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014


    It's interesting that those 2 trainers seem to have some weightlifting knowledge (how many 140 pound 62 year olds do you know that can clean 220?), yet 75% of the photos are "silly bullshit."

  6. #6
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Gosh, Kieth, I don't know. If the taxes and property values don't persuade, a guy needs to just stay in California until the earthquake, or the imminent secession, whichever comes first. After all, there's no surfing in The Falls.
    I don't surf....believe it or not. But I do like pleasant weather.

    The taxes are a heavy burden...but if I sold my house, could buy a nice chunk of Wichita FAlls. Have thought about Santa Fe.....where I could keep the cachee of sophisticated city life. Too far from the SS gym in Albuquerque. Analysis paralysis.

    I was pleased , however, to see the state division proposal into Old California and New California. My abode would just barely be outside the coastal state of Old California, which many consider ungovernable. Many moonbeams.

    California: Secession Is Bad Idea. Division into Two States Is Better Idea | National Review

    I have no idea why the coastal state gets the offshore islands.

    If you get an invitation to appear on Tim Ferriss blog......please consider. He might even refer to SS on his next TED talk.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Gosh, Kieth, I don't know. If the taxes and property values don't persuade, a guy needs to just stay in California until the earthquake, or the imminent secession, whichever comes first. After all, there's no surfing in The Falls.
    I've been waiting for the Big One for 50 plus years.....have no come to accept it is just one of our four "seasons" (Earthquake, drought, fire, mudslide). But.....for the first itme in history I bought earthquake insurance. Too much equity in my house to just walk away.

    If California secedes, will Texas allow immigration, or even honor my California passport?

    The history of California outmigrations is that most states find the people obnoxious and screwing up the politics. I would just hand back California to MExico and stop all the pretending.

    Perhaps Mean old Mr Gravity, should be retitled "Let 'er Rip: The sorry state of Fitness Information"

    The 300.00/hr is a bit low for these Silicon Valley fitness gurus. I do not know how they make ends meet. They could easily get 1k/hr. Must be an old price list.

    It is totally amazing what narcissists these SV Masters of the Universe types are......but I hear they have a lot of late night sex parties where "business" is largely transacted.

    “Oh My God, This Is So F---ed Up”: Inside Silicon Valley’s Secretive, Orgiastic Dark Side | Vanity Fair

    This would absolutely NOT STAND in The Falls.

  8. #8
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    North Texas


    Do the rest of us get to vote on California Secession? We'd be glad to help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Do the rest of us get to vote on California Secession? We'd be glad to help.
    Google “State of Jefferson”

  10. #10
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    Aug 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    My medical school was about 30% Californian refugees who couldn't get into their own schools. I can attest that they were indeed obnoxious, unlikable, and looked down on the people in the "fly over country" they now found themselves in. Many had never even heard of Missouri or St. Louis, and probably couldn't find it on a map even after spending 4 years there, but damn were they proud of that particular ignorance.

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