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Thread: Help get me back on track!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Saginaw, MI

    Smile Help get me back on track!

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    I've barely worked out in over a month. I'm now trying to get my life back on track. I just dumped my crazy girlfriend, threw out all her junk food, renewed my gym membership, and most important, got back to the forums on!

    I need help getting back on track. I'm 34, 6'0, 220lbs, and my #1 goal is to lose at least 20 lbs, do the program, and improve on my lifts. The latest step I took at the gym, was to start using the lat pulldown machine. It was suggested by a few people in order to give me enough strength to do pullups and chinups without assistance. I've been doing the starting strength novice program on and off for the past 6 months. Please point me in the right direction. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, links, I am more than appreciative for anything you can give me. (please no flaming)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jstevanus View Post
    I've been doing the starting strength novice program on and off for the past 6 months. Please point me in the right direction. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, links, I am more than appreciative for anything you can give me. (please no flaming)
    You can't do the program off and on, that is big part of the problem. My suggestion would be to give the program a real try and once you have a bit of experience with it you will be far better equipped to adjust your programming in a way that suits you best.

  3. #3
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    Denver CO


    "my #1 goal is to lose at least 20 lbs"

    "do the program"

    "improve on my lifts."

    These are three different goals. The first and third are end goals, the second is a particular path.

    Start with the basics, Current and best lifts, how much sleep, diet, stressors (physical and mental)?

    WHich is more important right now, losing weight or getting strong?

    Clarification, it's not an either r situation, but it's good to know which is the main goal.

  4. #4
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    Saginaw, MI


    I was almost certain I would get this kind of response, but was hoping I could both lose weight and get at least some gains. My #1 goal right now is to lose weight. I get enough sleep, I can maintain a low-carb, high-protein diet with lean meat as well as tons of vegetables. I know this may be looking too far in the future, but if I did lose the weight, would I be able to do the program properly without gaining too much weight back? Maybe I should be looking to lose 30 pounds in order to compensate for the weight gain I will have from doing the program?

    BTW, should I edit my original post to say my goal is to lose weight, and delete the whole "improve my lifts" part?
    Last edited by jstevanus; 03-08-2012 at 11:27 AM.

  5. #5
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    Denver CO


    I wouldn't edit your post. Having multiple goals is fine, but you have to realize you may not be able to tackle both at the same time.

    if fat loss is your goal, I would certainly make sure your diet is cleaned. I'm a fan of paleo and then adding sweet potatoes or rice if recovery slips (I don't do well on very low carb). However, there are lots of different diet that have worked for people, Body For Life, Warrior (intermitten fasting),, etc.

    For training, I would do an "exploded SS"

    Day 1
    Squat 3x5
    press 3x5

    short heavy metcon

    Day 2
    deadlift 1x5 (possibly a back off set at 90 percent of the first)
    pullups 3x5

    Short heavy metcon

    day 3 off

    day 4
    squat 3x5
    bench 3x5

    short heavy metcon

    day 5
    PC 5x3
    chin up 3x5

    short heavy met con

    For short heavy metcons, you can search on the CF board, this a list of a bunch of them. I like complexes, sleds, kb swings, sprints or fast runs, etc. Basically you want to be in 10 minutes or less. You can go longer if you do a work/rest set up.
    On your days off, if you would like, go for a 30 minute brisk walk (don't do that stupid power walking bullshit) with or without a light sandbag. THis will aid in recovery and help burn some more calories. You should feel refreshed and ready to go after this walk. If you are tired, you did too much.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2011


    Hey Jamie have you used that programming before yourself? I'm doing IF right now and trying to cut body fat and I've been considering going from 3 days to more. Your plan looks pretty good for what I want, and adding the metcon sessions a few times a week may help me out.

    I don't know if I would feel satisfied with a day doing just DL 1x5, chins and a metcon. Doesnt seem like enough work unless I really kick my ass with the metcon.

    P.s- I'd probably do heavy KB snatches or swings for my metcon.
    Last edited by Corrie; 03-08-2012 at 11:47 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Saginaw, MI


    I should also mention that I take creatine monohydrate LIKE THIS before workouts, and it really helps me a lot. Anyone think this is a bad idea?

    (Currently looking at different metcons. What about the rowing machine?)

  8. #8
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    Denver CO


    I've not used it, but I've used it on a few people I've trained and they liked it and the results. I stole it from CFFB.

    If you feel like a day is super easy and you don't need the rest, work on a weak spot. Dips, hypers, GHR, good mornings, RDLs, plyos, abs, curls, etc.

    I've been playing with the idea of doing a metcon of a couplet where you rest between rounds, but instead of just standing around, do some easy single joint stuff like curls or skull crushers for set of 10-12.

    Rower is great, even better if you can do some street rowing.

    Creatine is good stuff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Saginaw, MI


    When you say "if a day is easy, work on a weak spot," do you mean on my day off or a workout day? You've given me a lot of new information to work with. The "metcon" thing is completely new to me. I also need to look up what hypers, GHR, good mornings, RDLs, and pylos are!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Denver CO


    starting strength coach development program
    "When you say "if a day is easy, work on a weak spot," do you mean on my day off or a workout day"

    Workday. Off days are for recovery or NEPA (non exercise physical activity).

    "hypers, GHR, good mornings, RDLs, and pylos are!

    45 degree hyper extension
    Glute ham raise
    Romanian Deadlift
    I wouldn't do plyos yet if I were you. If you want to do say 2 sets of 3 squat jumps between squats, go for it, but thats the most advanced plyos I would have you do

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