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Thread: Diet, medication, flexibility, and training.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Diet, medication, flexibility, and training.

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    A couple of years ago I posted on this forum that due to severe pain from arthritis, I had seen a 'Sports' orthopedist and he gave me the standard cortisone shot in each knee. This was Jan/20015. My side effects were swelling and cramps all over my body. They were like tendon cramps, including my face...

    Fast forward to Dec/2015. I had increasing pain in my knees with swelling and limited movement. Fortunately, for me, I ran out of the diuretic medicine used to help control my blood pressure and which I took for 20 years. Within three days of not taking it, the pain was 95% gone! I sincerely believe that the diuretic starved my joints of fluids causing arthritis. Before quitting the diuretics, I would get up in the morning and all my joints felt sore. I thought it was just the normal aging process. I still had pain and swelling in my left knee, especially in the mornings...

    Three months ago, I read and re-read the book 'Wheat Belly for Better health'. It basically postulates that wheat products are poison to us and results in inflammation in the whole body. Guess what. I've quit most wheat products and the swelling in my left knee is gone! I didn't realize that my whole body was swollen. I had a double chin...gone. Even my fingers are skinny now. I feel better than I have in 30 years.

    Tonight I went to the gym to try doing what I've never been able to do before all the changes in my lifestyle: a proper LBBS. Hell yea! Since my joints are no longer inflamed I was able to hold the bar properly and do a proper set of LBBS. First time I've squatted in two years. I previously only did high bar squats.

    Rip, have you've ever seen such drastic changes in anyone just due to diet and medication? I submit that many folks have inflamed joints due to diet...and possible meds.


    Feel free to move this post as necessary...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Pretty dramatic. You seem to be particularly sensitive to that which most of us are not that sensitive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Perth, Australia


    You might actually have genuine celiac disease. I'd get some testing done.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    No need for testing. We pretty much know that the over consumption of high fructose corn syrup and wheat products is the main reason for the exploding plague of obesity and diabetes in this country. Most everyone who I know who reduces or eliminates both items from their diet get to feel much better, health wise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChessGuy View Post
    We pretty much know.....
    Wow, that's a bold statement.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Will Morris View Post
    Wow, [that we pretty much know that the over-consumption of high fructose corn syrup etc is the main reason for the obesity epidemic] is a bold statement.
    Yeah, would've chocked it up to the $/kcal ratio in the United States and the impulsiveness with which detrained novices generally buy and consume food as opposed to just one ingredient or element inherent in the food. Saying sugar is causing people to be fat is like saying money is causing people to be dicks. Correlation and causation and all that stuff. People need to learn how to handle a given substance, not get less/more of said substance. And people who touch barbells at least 3x a week don't expand into balloons that need carts to get around.

    But wat do I no; I aint no doktoor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7. #7
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    Omaha, NE


    Quote Originally Posted by ChessGuy View Post
    No need for testing. We pretty much know that the over consumption of high fructose corn syrup and wheat products is the main reason for the exploding plague of obesity and diabetes in this country. Most everyone who I know who reduces or eliminates both items from their diet get to feel much better, health wise.
    Yea, so, we don't actually know that. IIRC there is some data that suggests there is no problem with these products when calories are controlled for.

    You may have something with the "over consumption" part.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddhahn View Post
    Yea, so, we don't actually know that. IIRC there is some data that suggests there is no problem with these products when calories are controlled for.

    You may have something with the "over consumption" part.
    Themyth that it's the calories has done much damage to our health. A good example is the government's push for low fat, high grain diets.

  9. #9
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    SWMBO also had to change off her high blood pressure med because one of its side effects was gout.

    Getting off it (mostly) solved her foot and hand soreness.

  10. #10
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    so this is something I also did, getting off wheat about 6 years ago, mainly because I was tired of doctors not being able to fix my lifelong problems of IBS. I was also fat, weak and sickly which probably exacerbated the symptoms.

    According to 1 in 100 people have celiac disease and 16 million have non-celiac wheat sensitivity issues (not sure how they came up with this number, pretty sure they pulled it out of their arse). But its an easy thing to test if wheat is the issue, particularly if you're auto-immune issues which doctors and pills can't solve. At the very least you can either solve it or discount it as being the cause by just going cold turkey for a few weeks.

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