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Thread: My SS training modified for being middle aged with some running goals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default My SS training modified for being middle aged with some running goals

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    After some awesome success last year with SS I had some outside setbacks due to schedule and injuries and took several re-sets since September.

    I'm now doing SS 2 days a week because it works for my schedule and training partner. I have added some endurance training because I signed up for a 10 mile race the end of March. I do a distance race every couple years just to push myself. I hardly run at all outside of training for a race because honestly I side with rip: Why You Should Not Be Running | Mark Rippetoe

    I'm trying something radically different than anything I've ever done. I'm incorporating the Maffetone Method for running. Due to lingering Plantar Fasciitis issues I'm cutting out almost all "tempo" running and focusing on mainly SS (high intensity) with sled work and Maffetone running / cardio(low intensity). Pretty opposing stuff.

    42, 182lbs, 5'-10", a little chubby (bodyfat 20%?)

    Starting Strength novice LP
    Sled Drag (whatever I feel like, either heavy short pulls or medium longer pulls using more of an upright form)

    Deadlift (+10 every week)

    My program:
    Mon: A
    Tue: 1 hour Maffetone cardio, either running outside or if inside a combo of running, biking, rowing. Barbell or Dumbbell press (I'm experimenting with reps and intensity)
    Wed: recovery day
    Thursday: B
    Friday: Recovery day
    Saturday: 1.5 hour Maffetone cardio: combo of running, biking, rowing building running mileage in waves. Barbell or Dumbbell Bench
    Sunday: recovery day

    Recovery days vary widely based on my required activity level (working from home office vs yard work all day). If sedentary I try to take some walks and do some light recovery work.
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-07-2020 at 08:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    * work sets are 5 reps for 3 sets, the (+) means reps over 5 on 3rd set example: +3 = 8 reps.

    1/20/2020 last set numbers:
    Squat: 190 +3
    Deadlift:230 +2
    Bench: 160+2
    Press: 105 + 4

    skipping ahead:

    Lunch: 1 hour low heart rate cardio (128-138 bpm), 30 minutes jog, 15 minutes air bike, 15 minutes rower. I was worried this would impact Thursdays workout. It did not (if anything it helped).
    later in day: worked up to heavy press single (140 lbs) then shut it off.

    2/6/2020 last set numbers: Felt tired going in but strong during and after.
    Squat: 215+4
    Press: 115 +2
    Deadlift: 255
    6 x 200' tire drag 45lbs
    3 sets of 5 single leg calf raises (helps with PF), 15 lb dumbbell
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-19-2020 at 07:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    2/8 Endurance running day:

    max training heart rate target: 138bpm
    warmup: 5 min assault air bike, 5 min rower
    Run: 4 miles on Assault air-runner*. 13:07, 12:54, 13:04, 13:22

    This is nothing great, but up until this past week I haven't ran more than a mile straight in 2 years.

    *Assault air runners are awesome training tools. My observation is they are harder than running outside, more like running a constant hill, and they are easier on the body. I have found I'm 1 to 2 min per mile slower on them with the same perceived effort as running flat outside.

    Run was "fasted" with just a cup of coffee before. Breakfast after = 4 eggs, 1 cup raw oatmeal cooked with 1 cup blueberries/rasberries.
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-08-2020 at 08:42 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    2/10: "A" day

    Squat: 220+5
    Bench: 172.5 +1
    Row: 145
    6 x 200' driveway tire drag 55lbs Down the driveway backward / side step, Up the driveway (up hill) forward.

    For my squats I do 5 "quick" reps in a row to make my quota, then usually take a breath or two and grind out the others with a breath or 3 inbetween. The weight felt heavier on my first set today but my endurance on the last set was good (10 total reps).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    2/11 : 45 minutes aerobic training (HR: 128-138bpm): walking with 20 lb vest, rower, airbike in 5 minute circuits.

    light press@ 40%,50%,60% last 5 rep weight (50,60,85lbs)
    pullups with vest (3,3,2)
    hanging leg raises
    pushup position planks
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-12-2020 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    30 minutes low intensity air bike (HR:120-128bpm). Listened to Rip discuss conditioning and strength YouTube

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    2/13 "B" day
    Squat: 225 +2 (tired today)
    Press: 120 +1
    Deadlift: 265 5x1
    3 round trip driveway tire drag 45 lbs, faster paced.
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-19-2020 at 07:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Saturday 2/15:

    AM: 6 mile run on air-runner @ 138bpm heart rate. 4 mile split = 51:53. Last week's 4 mile split time: 52:26. Very happy I took 40 seconds off with the same heart rate!

    PM: Squat 40%/50%/60%: 90x5, 112.5x5,135 x 5. Bench40%/50%/60%: 70x5,87.5x5,105x5

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Monday 2/17:
    Enduro dirt bike riding, 3.5 hrs. I mention this because this is my first time out in 6 months and I felt great, my extra strength over last year is making a big difference, I felt "in shape" too. My hands usually get more tired than they did, which I attribute to extra grip strength from deadlift/chins.

    Tuesday 2/18:
    Squat: 230x5x3
    Bench: 175x5x3
    Chins: 6x3
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-19-2020 at 07:13 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Wed 2/19: was stuck in the office and didn't move much. Did 30 minutes LHR (low heart rate) cardio walk/bike/row
    Thur 2/20:
    Squat 185 x5x3 (took a deload day and did my lifting partner's weights, form felt good, reps were tight).
    Press 122.5x5x3
    Deadlift 275x5x1
    Chins: bodyweightx6x3
    Triangle Pushups:10,10
    Last edited by bikesandcars; 02-21-2020 at 09:19 AM.

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