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Thread: Texas Method question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Texas Method question

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Do main exercises on volume and intensity day need to be the same? That is, if I flat bench on Monday for volume do I need to flat bench on Friday for intensity or could I do inclines one day or overhead press, etc.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    They don't have to be the same, but you should know what are your goals are.

    Rip describes the Texas Method as increasing strength from week to week, and he recommends alternating presses and bench presses, so that one week you would do presses on Mon and Fri, and the next week bench press on Mon and Fri.

    It seems it would be difficult to progress each week (the presumed goal of Texas Methodists everywhere), on all three of the lifts you describe, so you should decide which you want to concentrate on. If you wanted to use some different exercises, the light workout on Weds, is probably a better place for it (E.g., in PPST 1 (but not 2), push presses are used as an alternative). If you want a big bench, benching twice a week is going to be more effective than just once a week.
    Last edited by matclone; 11-09-2009 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Thanks. I've been alternating presses and bench presses and I like doing that. No particular need for me to focus more on the bench press than the press.

    Don't recall it being specifically stated anywhere that the recovery day would be the day to put in a different exercise if desired, but that makes sense. And at least in PPST1, front squats are listed which supports this idea, but I understand Rip takes the front squats out now so maybe he is more inclined to recommend using the same exercises on recovery day now.

    I suppose if your goal was more bodybuilding oriented, it wouldn't be as big a deal to switch exercises more during the week. I'm mainly interested in strength and physique second.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by zepled37 View Post
    Do main exercises on volume and intensity day need to be the same?
    I believe they do. The shifted emphasis between volume and intensity is there for a reason - it pushes your absolute strength upwards.

    Going from SS to TM you will find that the new training method is less taxing mentally (at the cost of slower progress, of course).

    When the fatigue from monday's volume workout leaves your body (sometime on wednesday?), you start to look forward to fridays intensity workout at higher weight. After finishing the workout on friday, you feel confident that you'll manage the new volume weight on monday (lower than the weight on friday, and a step up from last monday).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Wichita Falls, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by zepled37 View Post
    And at least in PPST1, front squats are listed which supports this idea, but I understand Rip takes the front squats out now so maybe he is more inclined to recommend using the same exercises on recovery day now.
    For general strength purposes, it is best to use the back squat as opposed to the front squat. More muscles = more strength.

    As far as the original question, it would be best to keep the exercises the same on the volume intensity day because the volume day is what drives the adaptation for Friday's workout. Mixing it up will have an effect that is less efficient.

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