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Thread: Worrying, persisting, wrist pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Worrying, persisting, wrist pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Made a post earlier about how i somehow ended up with wrist pain (mainly with the arm in the supine position) but now after a week and a half, the pain is still there. It doesn't hurt as much, but there is still some tightness and sometimes even pain in my wrist (feels like its running along the ulna) as i supinate my arm. The pain seems to flare up as i grip something and use strength.

    I'm now worried that it could be a fracture. I doubt it would be a clean fracture because it should hurt a lot more, but i was wondering if at 19 i could still get greenstick fractures.

    So i'm not sure still what to do. If it isn't a fracture and i go to see a doctor i know they'll just tell me to lay off lifting indefinitely until it heals, however the thing is it doesn't actually hurt when i'm lifting (except maybe dropping the clean and catching it on the thighs). Any advice...?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I sprained my wrist 2 weeks ago (dropped a snatch incorrectly). It sounds very similar to what you describe: I can do pretty much everything, but heavy cleans, snatches, and chinups hurt quite a bit. The pain is most pronounced when I supine my hand - I can grin and bear the pain during 'neutral' grip chins, but regular chinups are unbearable.

    In the case of either a sprain or a very minor fracture, I think the only thing to do is train through it as best you are able. The last time I sprained a wrist it took about 2-3 months to feel normal again.

    I have been dealing with it in a few ways:

    1) I wrapped my wrist during pressing movements.
    2) I subbed push presses for heavy presses (lockout didn't hurt at all, but supporting the bar at the bottom was fairly painful).
    3) I dropped the weight on cleans and snatches and also did the hang versions of the lifts (this gave me some practice, but was light enough to bear).
    4) I subbed a variety of things for chinups: pendlay rows, kroc rows, neutral grip chinups.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post
    i somehow ended up with wrist pain
    Shot in the dark --- could it be RSI or carpal tunnel? What's your computer/mouse situation like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Don't use the comp enough to be repetitive strain injury or carpal tunnel but it was a possibility i guess.

    At Platus, yeah i've just been working through it. Iceing at home every night, but other than that i just keep working with it. Despite initially hurting after cleaning, it seemed to have improved so as long as their is no actual, massive pain during the movement i'm assuming i should work through it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I started to feel some pain in my left wrist after I starting using a mixed grip on the deadlift. Have you perhaps begun to use a mixed grip?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    I've been using a mixed grip for maybe a month+ before screwing up my wrist. Plus i didn't hurt my wrist on the day i deadlifted. But because of the pain, i've had to switch to having the left hand pronated and right hand supinated instead of the other way around like i usually do.

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