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Thread: Deadlift in oly shoes.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Deadlift in oly shoes.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014


    As an engineer, I wish I could find more stuff like this, because it's pretty damn interesting. I'm tempted to solve the true angles for him.

    As far as practical use, I'm a complete noob, so it's completely irrelevant to me. But I think his logic was pretty sound.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I think his analysis is flawed. We don't start a flat-footed deadlift with the bar over the forward third of the foot. At least when we follow the SS model. I think the oly shoe helps those who are weakest off the floor and penalizes those who are weaker above the knee (like myself). That said, I was convinced by Dr. Petrizzo & Mr. D'Agostino that the extra ROM is a beneficial training stress and plan to pull in oly shoes to strengthen myself through my weaker part of the lift, and transition to a flat shoe a few weeks before my next competition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Yea that definitely sounded weird to me when he said the bar is by his toes!

    What I found most interesting tho was that a .75" heel only increased ROM by. 25" (something like that).
    It always seemed like scare tactics when people would say how heel made the lift harder because of extra height. It may nit translate directly if the whole foot isn't elevated based on what this guy is saying. Apart from his criticism of his math or logic bar speed seemed legitimately faster.

    I think I was setting up wrong when I pulled in oly shoes as I was trying to 'feel' the same in the start position. When I tried it out I allowed my butt to lower more and my pulls were much faster.

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