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Thread: Nearing End of Linear Progression - 20 rep?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Post Nearing End of Linear Progression - 20 rep?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi everybody!
    I've been doing starting strength for about 5 months now, and feel as if I am nearing the end of linear progression. Making obvious adjustments (longer rest intervals , more food, mixed grip deadlifts etc) will probably allow me to continue running the program as is for a couple more weeks.

    I started out doing Stronglifts 5x5 initially for a few weeks, had already made some progress on Barbell Rows, and therefore continued to do them on SS rather than Powercleans. Also, I plan to switch to olympic lifting eventually, atleast for a few months, and figured i would learn cleaning then anyway. (Side query: does anyone have an opinion on "Strong as an Ox" olympic weightlifting program?")

    Here are my current stats:
    Age: 23
    Height: 5 Feet, 10.5 inches
    Weight: 95kg = 209 pounds (increased by 12 kg = 26.4 lbs on the program, put on significant fat too)
    Squat: 125kg = 275 pounds
    Deadlift: 137kg = 300 pounds
    Press: 43kg = 94.6 pounds (significant layback, hard to maintain form)
    Bench Press: 51kg = 112.2 pounds (Not nearly tired with this yet, could easily reach 180 or so i feel, on Linear progression)
    Rows: 51kkg = 112.2 pounds

    As you can see, my presses are weak, my bench could probably improve greatly while staying on the program, but i feel im nearing the end of my progression with Squats, and just yesterday, failed to even move the bar off the floor in Deadlifts at 141kg or 310 pounds...Im sure i can make smaller jumps for a while, but I need to start thinking about what to do after SS.

    I was thinking of running a 20 rep squat cycle as follows:

    Workout A
    1x20 Squat
    1x20 Pullovers
    3x10 Bench
    1x20 Pullovers
    3x10 Rows

    Workout B
    1x20 Squat
    1x20 Pullovers
    3x10 Press
    1x20 Pullovers
    1x12 Deadlift

    With weights for the 20 rep squat being basically 90 pounds lighter than my 5RP, with me working up to 20xCurrent 5RM in 18 workouts.

    My query is:
    1) Should I do something similar for the other lifts? Deload starting weight and work up to current maxes in 18 workouts?
    2) OR should I start 20 repping my squats while trying LP on bench and press etc
    3) Something else?

    Advice, comments and constructive criticism would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    In just a couple of sentences......

    What are your training goals in the next 6 months?

    What are your training goals in the next 2-3 years?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fremont, CA


    All your numbers look a bit low to me for a young guy with good body weight - especially the deadlifts. It's normal that deads and especially squats will outrun upper body strength in SS since the lower body strength is much more emphasized.

    How many resets have you done already?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    I'm way more concerned about his bench and press. But about the 20 rep squats, I've done just after finishing my LP. It's a good time to do it, I think. Your technique is sufficiently ingrained that form won't be all over the place after the 15th rep and you're still something of a novice, so you can increase by 5 lb increments every workout. Start light, 20 rep squats are tough.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    I'm way more concerned about his bench and press. But about the 20 rep squats, I've done just after finishing my LP. It's a good time to do it, I think. Your technique is sufficiently ingrained that form won't be all over the place after the 15th rep and you're still something of a novice, so you can increase by 5 lb increments every workout. Start light, 20 rep squats are tough.
    It just depends. If you do the SS method right, by the end of the thing you are just fried, especially the squat. Usually you have been doing several weeks of just absolutely grinding out reps of weight that is damn near 5RM and the body is a mess. That's why TM works so get to back off the weight for your sets across (a welcome relief) and you only have to do one set on your heavy 5's (also a welcome relief). It might be tough for alot of guys to move into a really hard program like 20 rep squats....although your caveat about starting light is noted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by KSC View Post
    It just depends. If you do the SS method right, by the end of the thing you are just fried, especially the squat. Usually you have been doing several weeks of just absolutely grinding out reps of weight that is damn near 5RM and the body is a mess. That's why TM works so get to back off the weight for your sets across (a welcome relief) and you only have to do one set on your heavy 5's (also a welcome relief). It might be tough for alot of guys to move into a really hard program like 20 rep squats....although your caveat about starting light is noted.
    I see your point and it's definitely a valid one. I have however found 20 rep squat to be therapeutic in a sort of way. Whenever I've been hurt or too damn sore, doing a short and not too heavy progression with 20 reppers have helped. The key is starting light and trying to find a weight that makes you tired and feels sorta hard and going up from there. With 15 lbs a week, it gets real hard fast.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    In the next 6 months I would like to reach respectable lifts, maintain strength while learning swimming and using swimming to burn fat and become lean.
    In the next 2-3 years, I would like to be as strong as I can while being lean, and see myself doing strength training only for maintenance. (somewhere along the way Id want to be able to achieve a good number on the olympic lifts - I dont know what a good number is - but I want to, because they seem fun)
    NOTE: I was a sprinter before this, and have a family history of heart disease, and a long term partner who dislikes the bulky look. So being lean is an important training goal for me.

    I have not had to reset anything yet. As I said, I expect to be able to run the program for a couple (2-6) more weeks. With resets, deloads etc who knows how high my lifts can get? Obviously, I will milk Linear progression for as long as I can, including microloading, etc.

    I have an obvious fascination with 20 Rep squats because of the mental challenge. If I DO do this, what weight/rep scheme should I use on the other exercises? As I suggested in the Opening post, should I deload and increase reps for everything?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kingwood TX


    Your rep range is dictated by your goals.

    I'm not sure what you are asking me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I guess what im asking is:

    1) Is it possible to simultaneously increase volume on the big three lifts in the way I've described above? I.e jumping straight from 3x5 across to 20 rep squats + 10 rep bench + 10 rep rows. Has anyone else done a similar program in the past?

    2) Obviously, If i do a 20 rep cycle, a big goal is muscle size. Is there a more efficient use of training time for this goal then the procedure outlined above, given my current stats?

    3) Alternatively, for instance, is it possible to switch to 20 rep squats, but keep my lagging lifts like rows and bench press at 3x5 and hit a new PR on them every workout like on SS? Can anyone who has done 20 rep routines comment on this?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Slvtmong00se View Post
    I guess what im asking is:

    1) Is it possible to simultaneously increase volume on the big three lifts in the way I've described above? I.e jumping straight from 3x5 across to 20 rep squats + 10 rep bench + 10 rep rows. Has anyone else done a similar program in the past?

    2) Obviously, If i do a 20 rep cycle, a big goal is muscle size. Is there a more efficient use of training time for this goal then the procedure outlined above, given my current stats?

    3) Alternatively, for instance, is it possible to switch to 20 rep squats, but keep my lagging lifts like rows and bench press at 3x5 and hit a new PR on them every workout like on SS? Can anyone who has done 20 rep routines comment on this?
    If you are on SS and are going to jump to TM when you stall just do this:

    Squat 3-5 x 5
    Bench 3-5 x 5

    Ligth squat 2-3 x 5
    Press 3-5 x 5

    Squat 1 x 20
    Bench - 10s
    Rows - 10s

    Maybe you don't do it exactly this way, but you get the idea

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