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Thread: Need help really bad - big reset almost at the and of SS cause of bad technique!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany

    Default Need help really bad - big reset almost at the and of SS cause of bad technique!

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I am on SS for bout 6 month now (25 years, 5'8", 205lbs).

    My 5RM PR's are:
    Squat 147,5 kg
    Deadlift 140 kg
    Press 57 kg
    Bench 93 kg

    The last 2 weeks/days I realized that I got an bad anterior pelvic tilt (already started to work on it and its getting better) cause of my technique (didn't flex my abs enough etc.).

    Squats: I also found out that I pushed myself with my quads out of the hole instead of using my hamstrings (that combined with not flexing the abs probably gave me that pelvic tilt). My hammis are super weak now...

    Deads: Butt was way to high, messed lower back up (combined with the pelvic tilt bla bla bla...). Weak hammis, didn't flex abs either...

    Press: Didn't flex abs enough either lead to excessive lean back plus the pelvic tilt just made everything really worse.

    Bench: Hell yeah, my hyperlordosis was good for something^^

    The lesson is clear: I have to reset my weight and work it up again with good/better technique! I really hurts my ego cause I think my numbers weren't that bad and I almost was at the point to jump to the TM, but in the long run (and also cause I wanna compete in powerlifting) the best way is to make a big reset on Squats, Press and Deads! Or what do you guys think?

    Now my questions:
    1. How much should I reset (I thought Squat:110kg;Press:50kg;Deads:120kg?)?
    2. How should I work my way back up (increases every workout)?
    3. How would I structure my workout plan now?
    4. Should I do GOMAD again (at the moment I'm at 2,5 Liters a day)?

    I really really really appreciate your help from all of you coaches on this one. I am not a pussy but i felly pretty lost right now and kinda butthurt...

    Thank you so much!!!

    PS: English is not my mother language.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Guten tag Bam,

    For not being a native English speaker, you used "butthurt" properly in a sentence, so I am impressed. If you genuinely need a reset, start with 10% or 15%. Let's see a video of you squatting something that is heavy-ish for you. My guess is that you don't need a gallon of milk a day at the moment. Remember, GOMAD is for people that are pretty seriously underweight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany


    Guten morgen Tom

    my Wife is American so...

    10% isnt enough I already tried. My hamstrings are so week, I really can Feel it when I am at the bottom and try to bounce Out of the hole. Cause i Always used my quads.

    How would i program my plan now and how would i increase my weight from workout to workout?

    Here a link:

    Under that username u can find a shit ton of form Checks from the Last Few weeks.

    Thx Tom!

    "You know the saying, "Get knocked down seven times, but get up eight"? I prefer to get up eight times and knock the fuck out of whoever knocked me down the first seven times."
    - Jim Wendler

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Your squat is pretty good. You may have a touch of rounding in the low back, but I cannot say that for sure from the video you sent. You appear to be using your hips pretty well. In fact, some times you send your butt back a little too much. The weight looked quite light for you. You may be overthinking this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany


    Hey Tom,

    You were right, I dropped my weight only 10% (130kg) today and started there.

    It felt like the best set of Squats I ever had!
    What I changed:
    - Heels a lil bit closer together
    - Toes only 30 degree out
    - Sit more in the squat
    - Extended the back a bit more
    It felt amazing!

    What I also think is that I am almost at the end of novice progression, I really felt exhausted all the time...
    I work my way up now with 2,5kg increases every workout and if I stall again I put the squat on TM.

    I squatted only twice a week heave and the middle day I squatted light (80%).
    Should I squat now 3 times a week heave till I worked my way back up to my 145kg?

    Thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    No. Keep the light day in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany


    Ok. But that would be 6 weeks to work my Way back up^^? Do those squats Look better?

    "You know the saying, "Get knocked down seven times, but get up eight"? I prefer to get up eight times and knock the fuck out of whoever knocked me down the first seven times."
    - Jim Wendler

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Six weeks is a bit of time. Are you sure that is correct. Whatever the case, that will give you a chance to get your deadlift ahead of your squat.

    Squats look pretty good. You have a touch of knee slide at the bottom. Don't let go and relax to get your bounce. Stay tight. You may benefit from getting your knees further forward a little earlier in the movement. If you cut them off about an inch higher, that might help, too. Consider getting some lifting shoes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Bavaria, Germany


    starting strength coach development program
    Oh no xD if I squat twice a week heavy. I Start at 130kg and goin back to 145 kg in 2,5kg jumps -> 3 weeks. I hate Math sorry^^

    Ok thank you

    Should i deadlift twice a weak to get it UP faster or how Would u program the deadlift in my Case?

    "You know the saying, "Get knocked down seven times, but get up eight"? I prefer to get up eight times and knock the fuck out of whoever knocked me down the first seven times."
    - Jim Wendler

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