Still getting caught up. Last two workout days went like this:
squats: 170# x 5 x 3 (got to the gym and forgot how much weight I'd done last time, so I jumped some extra to be sure)
press: 110# x 5 x 3
power cleans: 135# x 3 x 5
chins: 16, 9, 7
squats: 175# x 5 x 3
bench: 190# x 5 x 3
deadlift: 225# x 5 x 1
Today I was reflecting on when to do my next lift day, since I'll be out of town this weekend at my folks' house. They have a barbell but no rack to squat from, so it was either do another work day tomorrow before taking my 2 days off, or lift Friday while I'm away and do front squats or something to substitute. This was not a decision to make on an empty stomach, so I walked to the undergrad student center (better 70's-big food than the law school has), bought a quart of milk, a mcdonald's bacon-and-cheese angus deluxe, ten-piece nuggets, and wolfed that down. Then, with an honest full stomach, I reached the simple solution: don't mess with the program. Stick to back squats, do them tomorrow in the university gym where there's a rack. Then take two days off. No problem.