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Thread: Low back rehab plan for my friend. Any updates?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Low back rehab plan for my friend. Any updates?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hello Coach!
    Friend of mine hurt his low back deadlifting 220lb and gettin out of position when starting from the floor (flexion injury). This happened two days ago. I will do my best to help him rehab this thing.
    I've read basicly the whole forum but still I would like to hear if you would add or change something about my rehab plan.

    Today I've been reading (again) Mac Ward's log and he has done great job rehabing that severe low back injury. Inspirational! This threads are also my main guide.

    Also Stef's advice here:

    And RyanWhittemore story:

    My friend:
    Age: 40
    Gender: male
    Current training status: novice
    Chief Complaint: low back pain, sciatica, tingling at right foot and toes 5-10 minutes but it goes away (so not all the time).

    The plan:
    - get MRI as soon as possible
    - Decompression - Hanging/traction every day if possible, start with 30-60 seconds
    - ibuprofein 3x800mg, other pain killers to relax the low back muscles
    - go to Chiro, and get massage
    - Lots of water/fluids, protein 250g/day

    - Rehab lifting with squats and deadlift with solid form, also dips and chins, Bench if possible. Read the book again and iron out his form to be perfect.
    - deadlifts and squats at high reps, progress from 3x20x20kg to moderately heavy done daily (eg 60kg x 10, 65 x 10, 70 x 10). Start DL from higher up (blocks or rack) if needed
    between sets do the decompressions and just walk around to stay loose.
    - Overhead supports at light weight
    -"let the pain be your guide"

    - avoid flexion in every situation during the day
    - no back extensions, no situps
    - keep moving and walking, avoid sitting and staying still, do general warmups
    -put enough load to get things to "align" and make muscles act normally instead of overtensing:

    Should he start light deadlifts/squats now after 3 days or wait two weeks?

    When it is right time to go to the chiro. As soon as possible? After MRI?

    Would you change or add anything. I'd like to give him the best possible rehab coaching to get him back to full training

    Thanks coach!
    Last edited by SPSP; 08-03-2014 at 01:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You may have noticed my reluctance to write any more about low back injuries.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Well, I knew I was on thin ice with this one.

    Is it possible to move this thread to SS coaches Q&A? Maybe somebody there would like to give me some advice?


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