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Thread: Trouble setting low back for deadlifts! Please advise.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Default Trouble setting low back for deadlifts! Please advise.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    A little about me for context:

    I'm 31. 5'10" on a good day. Weighing in around 205. Eating 200g-250g of protein a day and getting decent sleep.

    This is my 3rd time through NLP in the last 2 years, with a few LONG layoffs (wife and 3 kids, lived in commiefornia at the beginning of covid so no access to weights, moved back home to Montana, bought a bar and rack and weights for the garage, then bought a fixer upper house that gave me carpal tunnel and plantar fasciitis while remodeling, etc. - all lame excuses, I know.)

    I have a useless exercise science degree (I'm drinking the SS kool-aid pretty hard at this point), used to work out like a complete moron (endless, nonsensical periodization with every day being some specialized muscle group, etc. - like I said, complete moron, but I didn't know any better), then stumbled onto starting strength a few years back. While I was working out like a gym bro, I was extremely lean and always unhappy that I couldn't seem to cross the 185lb threshold, nor did I ever see progress on the important lifts (since I was only doing them once a week at most, or skipping them so I could do 2 "arm days").

    Within a few weeks of the first run through NLP, I crested 200lbs and saw great progress on all the lifts. That lasted all the way through till I had the first of many layoffs. Round 2 was similar, progress for many weeks before the big move out of CA.

    I picked up the blue book but have only skimmed parts of it. I'm not sure when I should be switching to intermediate programming, but it's already starting to get heavy for me 3 weeks in.

    Current numbers, just wrapped up week 3 today.

    Squat - 325 - 3x5
    Press - 135 - 3x5
    Bench - 195 - 3x5
    Deads - 345 - 1x5

    Anyway, my third time through, I'm finding I have a lot of difficulty getting my low back set as my deadlifts are getting heavier. I'll upload a video with a couple of warmup sets (2x225, 1x315) leading up to my work set of 355, which I only got twice, since I could feel my low back rounding out.

    Not sure why I can't get the feel for it.

    I do wear a 4 inch belt, as it's all I've got right now. Looking to purchase the dominion 3 inch belt at some point in the near future.

    Otherwise, any feedback/pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    NLP Week 3 Deadlift Form Check - YouTube

    P.S. Sorry, not sorry about my music.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Since it was flat on the warmups, you obviously know how to get in the position. Must be a strength issue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Since it was flat on the warmups, you obviously know how to get in the position. Must be a strength issue.
    Rip, I have a question about his lift.
    Isn't he pushing the bar away from the shins before he starts the pull?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Frank is right. I was just looking at his low back, in too big a hurry.

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