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Thread: Squat technique progress 485x5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Squat technique progress 485x5

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Still working on rising my chest at the same time as my hips. Weight was heavy today and only got 4 reps for the first two sets. Pulled up my sack and finished the 3rd set with all 5 reps. Happy with progress. Feedback is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Portland, OR


    Does the chest issue occur on your light and medium days?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg_R View Post
    Does the chest issue occur on your light and medium days?
    It is definitely more pronounced on my heavy sets and toward the end of my 3x5s. I consider the 3x5s my medium days. I also have a speed day with bands and a heavy peaking day as I am currently 2 weeks out from competition.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nhammer3000 View Post
    It is definitely more pronounced on my heavy sets and toward the end of my 3x5s. I consider the 3x5s my medium days. I also have a speed day with bands and a heavy peaking day as I am currently 2 weeks out from competition.
    Tempo squats help me with my form issues. I use them as a light day variation as needed. However, I'm not sure if messing with things 2 weeks out from a comp. is a good plan. Let's see if some people who prep for comps chime in...

  5. #5
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    Sep 2016


    Considering your squat is 100+ lbs heavier than mine, I don't feel totally within my rights to critique your form. But I'm going to do it anyways since it's here and you're asking, but humbly so.

    Just by looking at the plates, you're coming out of midfoot just a touch here and there. Your knees are coming forward at the bottom as well which could be costing you some poundage. So try to set your knees sooner. Lastly, on the last rep you come significantly back on your heels. This has happened to me several time and I've seen it happen on Jordan's training videos in the past. It's hip drive, but not hip DRAHVE, i.e. Your driving your hips hard more BACKward the UPward.

    But again, I'm just a lowly, early intermediate so feel free to tell me to stfu and crawl back to my plebeian cave.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg_R View Post
    Tempo squats help me with my form issues. I use them as a light day variation as needed. However, I'm not sure if messing with things 2 weeks out from a comp. is a good plan. Let's see if some people who prep for comps chime in...
    I agree that now is not the time to make changes just before the comp. I will immediately after. As for the tempo squat, should I slow down the essentric, concentric or both? Thanks for the feedback.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dlk93 View Post
    Considering your squat is 100+ lbs heavier than mine, I don't feel totally within my rights to critique your form. But I'm going to do it anyways since it's here and you're asking, but humbly so.

    Just by looking at the plates, you're coming out of midfoot just a touch here and there. Your knees are coming forward at the bottom as well which could be costing you some poundage. So try to set your knees sooner. Lastly, on the last rep you come significantly back on your heels. This has happened to me several time and I've seen it happen on Jordan's training videos in the past. It's hip drive, but not hip DRAHVE, i.e. Your driving your hips hard more BACKward the UPward.

    But again, I'm just a lowly, early intermediate so feel free to tell me to stfu and crawl back to my plebeian cave.
    Thanks for chiming in. That drift at the bottom has been a problem for me for a while. I want to DRAHVE my hips forward but they always shoot up and back under a heavy load. I will try to set my knees sooner and see if that helps.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nhammer3000 View Post
    Thanks for chiming in. That drift at the bottom has been a problem for me for a while. I want to DRAHVE my hips forward but they always shoot up and back under a heavy load. I will try to set my knees sooner and see if that helps.
    Yea I'd say the two are related for sure. That horizontal bouncing off the knees would, logically, send you horizontally backwards rather than upwards Watching Allen's old training videos, he would shift on his heels on the way up following a knee slide.

  9. #9
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    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by Nhammer3000 View Post
    I agree that now is not the time to make changes just before the comp. I will immediately after. As for the tempo squat, should I slow down the essentric, concentric or both? Thanks for the feedback.
    I do 3-0-3 (3 sec. down, 3 sec. up) but you can change things up depending on what you're trying to fix (3-0-0 for descent issues, etc.). Note that you can also add a pause if you want to increase intensity.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Camino, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Part of the reason your chest rises is because you never really get bent over all that much to begin with. You also start loosing more control over your knees as you get tired. This happens to me all the friggin' time. For the knees, I don't have any good cues for someone as far along as you are except you just have to really, really think about keeping them over your toes until you're halfway up. You should work to fix this, but I wouldn't get into that process this close to your meet. Work on that after the meet while you're moving lighter weights. What's helped some is pausing in the bottom with my knees where I want them for awhile and then coming back up with another brief pause about 1/3 of the way up. I can tell when I'm doing it right after not doing it right for awhile by how tired my hamstrings get keeping my knees in position.

    Shoes with a heel help, too.

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