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Thread: Cannot rack the PC - Deadlifts or Power Snatch instead?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Cannot rack the PC - Deadlifts or Power Snatch instead?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm in the middle of my third week of SS. I've been adding 5kg to Squats and DL every workout. The DL is now pretty tough (going to have to switch to alternate grip now I think).

    So I figured now would be a good time to add the Power Clean. I'm naturally a powerful type so was looking forward to doing it but after writing out crib cards and studying the book I found that no matter what I tried, I simply cannot rack the bar. I think it must be long forearms, chunky upper arms and inflexible wrists because I just cannot get my fingertips anywhere near my shoulders. I took about twenty minutes of stretching, adjusting and trying different things but it's not happening. I'm really gutted about this because I wanted to follow the program as close as possible.

    So looking on here and reading the book and I see that you can do Power Snatch or carry on deadlifting instead.

    Rip simply states "do deadlifts" in the FAQ so I'd be happy with that but I just wanted to check which would be the most beneficial to do out of DL and PS?

    If I stick with deadlifts, do I start adding 2.5k (instead of 5kg) and alternating with chins/back extensions? I don't think I can keep DLing every workout now.

    Thanks (and sorry if this is covered in many places but my searches just throw up a million "log").

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    My understanding is that this is why the power snatch was included in the 3rd edition. It might be worthwhile to see a SS coach though. I did and it turns out I had all sorts of issues (grip included) that needed straightening out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Wow.. moved to repetitive inquiries! My searching must really suck because I've looked through 6-7 pages of search results and can't find this question there.. must try harder.

    I guess I'll have to have a look at the PS in more detail then! Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Asheville, NC


    Before you write off the power clean, post a video for form check. It doesn't have to be an actual power clean. Post video of you racking the bar in the front rack. Put a bar loaded with 135 lbs in the squat rack, rack it in the front rack position, walk it out, and walk it back in.

    If you are going to power snatch, don't change your deadlift schedule yet. Your power snatches will be very light to start, so just do them as part of your deadlift warmup.

    Is there an SS coach near you?

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