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Thread: Dieting for a tall endomorph

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Dieting for a tall endomorph

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    6'7" endomorph, 25 y/o here about to start SS. I've been reading/searching/planning for about 3 months now, and trying hard to find examples of people in my situation, but it's been a little tough. Main concern is that I'm at 285 lbs. from eating whatever I want/dirty foods for about 6 months while searching for a job, and my metabolism has definitely slowed. I used to be able to get away with eating like that and max out at 240 (or 250), but now I'm maxing 280-285. I've never had too difficult a time gaining weight, especially now.

    I put together a test diet of 4400 clean calories based on 40% protein, 30% carbs & fat, half GOMAD. Only supplements not shown are a multivitamin/creatine. Here's a pic:

    I settled on 4400 cals. from playing it safe, since some of those protein intake formulas would have had me at 6000 calories and that seemed a little excessive (maybe it's not for my height?). Obviously I'm going to try to vary foods a bit each day or bust it out to a weekly schedule so I don't get tired of the same foods. A friend also pointed out that the fruits might be giving an unwanted insulin spike at certain times of the day (?)

    Is anyone else in the same boat or knows someone who is? I'm afraid I'm going to bursting my clothes if I push 300 lbs. while gaining, or maybe crossing over into unhealthy levels of fat. Then again, I gained this weight eating unclean shit and periodically drinking soda, so eating clean will be a new experience. And as I understand it, it'd be better to just gain from the fat point I'm at now instead of "cutting" before gaining, since I'd lose some muscle I have from being fat already anyway.

    Help is much, much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    My Mind doesn't work well when I try to estimate fatness with people significantly taller than me. Do you have pictures so we can have an idea of how much fat do you have?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Sorry for delay, super busy at work. Pics of the issue:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    I would try to eat around maintenance, GOOD QUALITY FOOD, and then see how far I got. I.e. no milk, but lots of rice and whole wheat things, some pasta, lots of lean meats, some beef and eggs, lots of veggies. Take pics and weigh yourself every week or two, to see if you are moving in the right direction, and adjust accordingly.

    You are only 25, so you should be able to get away with some "recomp". Have you read Rips Clarification article? Otherwise I would advise that you do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    I would actually recommend a low-carb diet plan. Low-carb doesn't mean no-carb, but enough carboydrates to fuel your training and recovery immediately after training. Lots of protein, of course, and no milk or dairy. I see no issues with your caloric intake, given that you're 6'7'' and 285 pounds. I would actually cut out any and all refined or wheat-based carbs, but hey, that's just me.

    I think you would thrive on a low-carb, paleo-type diet. Just a general approach, really; you don't have to become indoctrinated in paleo at this stage (or any stage, for that matter). If you find yourself having difficulty with recovery, up your caloric intake slightly and see how you feel.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Brandon, MS


    I'm not smart enough to do all the pretty calculations of food like you have but, I eat all day and stay full all day. What do I eat? Something more like a Paleo dietish way. Meat and veggies more than anything else. Once a weekend I'll hurt the Sushi bar and every MWF I eat a PB sandwich and 16oz chocolate milk with 1-2 scoops of whey in it for breakfast. Also an orange/apple/bananna (combination of the three each day).

    I'm not sure how many calories but, I figure 4K or more. I eat until I feel I'm about to burst. Then when I get a slight feeling that my fullness is subsiding, I'll eat more. Granted, everything I eat is "clean" minus the breakfast I described above and the Sushi on weekends. (ohh, I also drink 10-12 oz of chocolate milk before bed and usually a small (less than a table spoon of PB) PB sandwich on the night before my lift day.)

    I'm currently 6' 6" and 335lbs. I'm up ten pounds since last month sometime. I figured I was fat already and I don't mind gaining more weight since it's easy to get off. (I was 337lbs when I started SS, I went down to 325lbs and my lifts became harder. I upped my food intake (with the knowing I'd gain weight/fat) and I've became a lot stronger.) My pants at 325lbs still feel the same at 335lbs. My wife even commented that it looks like I lost size around my waist and my neck. So, I guess I'm doing something right. I wish I could tell if it was LBM or fat I'm gaining.... Time for that free assement test at the gym. :P

    Good luck and I'm happy to see another "tall" guy. (BTW, you are not fat compared to my setup. (Look at how big my ass and belly is:


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Oakland, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by 88Niners View Post
    Sorry for delay, super busy at work. Pics of the issue:
    That looks like a pretty small "issue" from here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by 88Niners View Post
    Sorry for delay, super busy at work. Pics of the issue:
    Dude, you're a big guy...not a fat guy. My advice - quit looking at the magazines while standing in line at the checkout counter. They are photo shopped BS. Get stronger, keep your BF at a decent level - it's not outrageous now. You're on the right track, eat a more paleo like diet and monitor your strength and appearance. Dumping the sugar sodas will make a significant difference depending on how much you drink - water is a good substitute though it takes getting used to. I carried a water bottle with me everywhere when I quit soda - helped tremendously.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    You're not fat, but you have some extra fat such that it wouldn't be nice to have more of it. You'll need a lot of protein, I suggest finding yourself a cheap source of whey protein powder. (it's getting old and I'm not sponsored by them) but I like They have the best prices and I trust their quality. Grab some whey protein concentrate or the recession pack. Take 300g or more of protein per day, the whey will help you achieve that without taking too many calories.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Improving your dietary habits is like boiling a frog. You have to do it incrementally. Basically find ways to eat better that don't make you miserable in the process. What seems like a challenge now, like eating more than 200g of protein or drinking water instead of soda, will become secondary nature in 6-12 months once you acclimate to it. Baby steps.

    I don't count calories myself, I just make sure I am eating at least 250g protein per day (I'm 6'7", 242 lbs.), and eating my fastest carbs around workouts. It's okay, and actually beneficial, to spike insulin around a lift. Other than that I try to limit myself to low-GI carbs and healthy fats like eggs and peanut butter. I also always eat some kind of veggies with every meal.

    If you are eating adequate protein every day, eating clean most of the time, and lifting 3-4 times per week, there is room for error when you finally do slip a bit. And when you do slip, don't do the soda or doughnuts or what have you. Some junk food is better than others. A double-whopper or wings and a light beer are a better slip-up than raw sugar/fried fat.
    Last edited by WatsupHannity; 03-13-2012 at 08:30 AM.

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