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Thread: Khaled's training log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Khaled's training log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Background: I've been training casually at home for a year with dumbells and pushups/situps. After I discovered and read SS I decided to join a gym for some proper barbell training. Even though I think of it now as being casual, I was committed to a training schedule of my own creation and I kept a log. Needless to say, progress was slow..

    Reading SS was a real eye opener. I had finally found a competent, experienced, knowledgeable source from which to draw and form my own conclusions, opinions, and beliefs that I hold today. I try to spread the word around whenever an opportunity presents itself. Thanks, Rip.

    Age: 24
    Height: 6' 1.6"
    Weight: 188lb (up from my usual weight of 180-181lb before I had begun any real training)
    BF: 15.3% (lowest was 13.2% a month back - before training/GOMAD)

    Schedule (alternating):

    .Bench Press
    .Pendlay Row

    .Bench Press
    .Pendlay Row

    .Bench Press
    .Pendlay Row

    - GOMAD
    - ON Whey shakes (two scoops, 48gm). Four on training days, one on off-days
    - Try to chow down as much chicken as I can

    Current lifts (as of 09/07/2011):
    Deadlift- 220lb
    Squat- 195lb
    Bench Press- 175lb
    Press- 125lb
    Pendlay Row- 140lb

    - I'd like to substitute Power Cleans in place of the Pendlay Rows, I'm still knocking down the form.
    - A few workouts ago I developed a light pinging pain on the right side of my hip. After reading and searching around for an answer I figured it was because I had a tendency to cave my knees in just slightly on my last one or two reps of Squats.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Wednesday - 09/07/2011
    Warmups: 5 minute cycling
    Squats: 45x2x5 75x1x5 115x1x3 15x1x2 195x3x5
    Bench: Press 45x2x5 85x1x5 115x1x4 150x1x2 175x3x5 - the work set was strong, my last workout with this work set was 5, 4, 4
    Pendlay Row: 45x2x5 65x1x5 95x1x3 115x1x2 135x2x5 150x1x5 (form was subpar, lowered to 140) 140x3x5
    Abs (Smith): 190lb 15, 15, 15
    Dips (BW): 15, 15, 13

    Breakfast- Nine heaped spoonfulls of oats with whole milk, peanut butter, and a scoop of chocolate whey.
    ON Whey shake (48gm) two hours before training and one right after
    Lunch (right after training session)- Four grilled chicken breasts and a bowl of rice
    ON Whey shake (48gm)
    Dinner- Four grilled chicken breasts with 8 Za'atr mini-breads (whole wheat)

    Follow-up on hip pain:
    - I felt the small pinging pain in my right hip on the way over to the gym. After warming up it had somewhat receded. I focused really hard on keeping my knees out while squatting and it has really helped, or it could just be the 400mg ibuprofen I took an hour and a half earlier?
    - After I got home the pain was bordering on non-existant. Still I try to avoid concentrating weight on my right leg. Now it's 4:50am, Thrusday morning, just woke up for no reason. No pain to report at first. After sitting down on my desktop writing out this thread I can feel it creeping up again. A slight, constant pinging. Sure is annoying.
    - Should I take more Ibuprofen? Stick it out or skip squats during tomorrows training? I wouldn't want to miss a squat session unless absolutely necessary.
    Last edited by Immortal_k; 09-07-2011 at 08:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    New York, NY


    If you are caving your knees at the end, then maybe you increased your Squats too fast. Possibly going down on weight and using smaller increments will give your body time to adapt. Of course proper form could be culprit...Do you have WL shoes and a belt, and are you using the Valsava?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Cambero View Post
    If you are caving your knees at the end, then maybe you increased your Squats too fast. Possibly going down on weight and using smaller increments will give your body time to adapt. Of course proper form could be culprit...Do you have WL shoes and a belt, and are you using the Valsava?
    You may be right.. Should I try lowering the weights or stay at 195lb and see how stable my knees are?

    I do use the Valsalva on every rep. I don't have WL shoes, but the shoes I do wear are flat soled and are stable. If I could get my hands on some WL shoes, I would. As for using a belt, I really don't want to use any aids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Friday 09/09/2011
    Warmups: 6 minutes cycling
    Squats: 45x2x5 85x1x5 120x1x3 160x1x2 200x3x5 >> I focused on form. Good hip drive and knees were out and stable throughout the whole movement. Actively thinking *KNEES OUT* throughout the exercise.
    Press: 45x2x5 75x1x5 95x1x4 110x1x2 130x3x5 >> Work set was kind of slow, but I powered through them.
    Deadlift: 95x1x5 135x1x3 195x1x2 230x1x5 >> Felt light. May bump by 20lb next Wednesday.
    Abs (Smith): 190lb 15, 15, 15 >> Easy. 190lb is the max that the smith Abs machine goes to. I think I'll try looking into something else.
    Pullups (BW): 10 (close), 5 (wide), 8 (close) >> My wide grip pullups need work.

    Breakfast- Ten eggs & four hotdogs (chicken)
    ON Whey shake (48gm)
    Lunch- Eight hotdogs (Chicken) and two eggs
    ON Whey shake (48gm) two hours before training and one right after
    Dinner (post training)- 5 chicken breasts and a bowl of rice
    ON Whey shake (48gm)

    Followup on hip pain:
    Hasn't gotten any worse or better. It's just there. Comes and goes depending on what position (or load/angle) I have my leg at. The pain is non-existent during squatting, not during warmup sets or the work set. I'll take some Ibuprofen pills through the weekend and see how it goes. I'll post up a question for Rip if it doesn't get any better.

    A while back I had some kind of pain in my right shoulder which I thought was triggered by the bench press. I had feared it was RC related. I just did some stretches and a little bit of exercises that targeted the RC and the pain faded. It then appeared in my left shoulder and, following the same mild protocol, it faded as well. Could this pain be the same? Just some momentary, temporary pain/discomfort because my leg muscles just aren't use to the kind of pressure and weights while squatting? I don't know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Bay Area, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal_k View Post
    Followup on hip pain:
    Hasn't gotten any worse or better. It's just there. Comes and goes depending on what position (or load/angle) I have my leg at. The pain is non-existent during squatting, not during warmup sets or the work set. I'll take some Ibuprofen pills through the weekend and see how it goes. I'll post up a question for Rip if it doesn't get any better.

    A while back I had some kind of pain in my right shoulder which I thought was triggered by the bench press. I had feared it was RC related. I just did some stretches and a little bit of exercises that targeted the RC and the pain faded. It then appeared in my left shoulder and, following the same mild protocol, it faded as well. Could this pain be the same? Just some momentary, temporary pain/discomfort because my leg muscles just aren't use to the kind of pressure and weights while squatting? I don't know.
    Have you posted a form check? That seems like the best next step if not. Whether your knees are sliding forwards, backwards or inwards, consciously driving your knees out hard can help keep them locked down.

    And welcome to the general logs section!

    Edit: Just read the rest of your post (the order in which I choose to read paragraphs continues to baffle me) and saw that you're already working on knees out. Oops.. ;-)
    Last edited by jgh; 09-10-2011 at 01:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jgh View Post
    Have you posted a form check? That seems like the best next step if not. Whether your knees are sliding forwards, backwards or inwards, consciously driving your knees out hard can help keep them locked down.

    And welcome to the general logs section!

    Edit: Just read the rest of your post (the order in which I choose to read paragraphs continues to baffle me) and saw that you're already working on knees out. Oops.. ;-)
    Thanks, jgh. Yeah, I'm focusing on knees out. Hopefully my hip unfucks itself. I'll be sure to post a form check.

    I'll be working till late tonight, I'll record a set of squats and post them tomorrow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Monday 13/09/2011
    Warmups: 6 minutes cycling
    Squats: 45x2x25 45x1x20
    Bench Press: 45x2x5 90x1x6 125x1x3 160x1x2 180x3x5 >> Felt solid.
    Pendlay Row: 45x2x5 75x1x5 100x1x3 120x1x2 145x3x5 >> I need to focus more on form. For some reason when I yank the barbell off the ground I sometimes tilt the barbell while going up. Focus, focus, focus.
    Dips (BW): 17, 15, 12 >> Going for the triple 20 so I can add some weights.

    Breakfast- 10 Heaped spoonfulls of oats with whole milk, peanut butter, and a scoop of Vanilla Whey
    ON Whey shake (48gm)
    Lunch- Did not have a good lunch -_-. A few chicken bits and some Za'atr mini breads
    ON Whey shake (48gm) after training
    Dinner (post training)- 4 chicken breasts, a bowl of rice, and 5 Za'atr mini breads
    ON Whey shake (48gm)

    Next morning- Twelve Scrambled eggs and a liter of Whole Milk >> Trying to make up for that bad Lunch.


    Followup on hip pain:
    I think the muscle that is causing the pain is the Pectineus. I can pin-point the pain now to the upper anterior area of my right theigh. Could it be joint tendonitis? I've never had a muscles sore for so long a period. It's been like this for almost a week now.

    I've been doing these stretches and holding the positions for 20-30 seconds. It helps:

    I'm taking around 2 Iboprofen (400mg) tablets a day in hopes of it helping in the healing process.

    I've posted a Squat form video and a question regarding this pain for Mr. Rippetoe. I'll link the thread when it's been approved.
    Last edited by Immortal_k; 09-13-2011 at 07:39 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Wednesday 15/09/2011
    Warmups: 5 minutes cycling
    Squats: 45x2x5 80x1x5 120x1x3 160x1x2 205x3x5 >> These felt really good. It just isn't a workout without squats.
    Press: 45x2x5 70x1x5 90x1x3 110x1x2 135x3x5 >> Missed the last rep on the third set. Bummer.
    Deadlift: 95x1x5 145x1x3 205x1x2 245x1x5 >> Finally setting some good numbers (relatively )
    Pullups (BW): 10, 10, 10 -close grip-

    Breakfast- 10 Heaped spoonfulls of oats with whole milk, St. Darfour Four Fruits Jam, and a scoop of Vanilla Whey
    ON Whey shake (48gm) before training
    Lunch- Slept right through lunch. It's my day off work -_-
    ON Whey shake (48gm) after training
    Dinner (post training)- 12 scrambled eggs, four French chicken rolls, and I ate 2/3'rds a bowl of rice
    ON Whey shake (48gm)

    Followup on hip pain:
    After squatting today, the pain just vanished! Thank God!
    Last edited by Immortal_k; 09-14-2011 at 04:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday 16/09/2011
    Warmups: 5 minutes cycling
    Squats: 45x2x5 80x1x5 125x1x3 165x1x2 210x3x5 >> I tend to lean on my right leg when I'm struggling up on the fourth/fifth reps of the third set. Need to focus on keeping the weight and power balanced.
    Bench Press: 45x2x5 90x1x5 125x1x5 165x1x3 185x3x5 >> Felt good. 190 should be easy.
    Pendlay Row: 45x2x5 75x1x5 100x1x3 120x1x2 150x3x5 >> May bump this up by 10lb next workout.
    Dips (BW): 20, 15, 10
    Power Clean: Just working on my form with an empty bar. It's getting good

    Breakfast- P&J sandwich, two low-fat yogurts (it's what was in the fridge); one with St. Darfour Jam, three cucumbers
    Lunch- 10 Heaped spoonfulls of oats with whole milk, Peanutbutter, and a scoop of Chocolate Whey
    ON Whey shake (48gm) before training
    ON Whey shake (48gm) after training
    Dinner- 6 medium sized chicken breasts and a plate of rice
    ON Whey shake (48gm) before bed

    Followup on hip pain:
    Alright so it hasn't completely gone away, but it's much more of a muscle soreness now than pain. I can deal with it.

    I gotta eat more..

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