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Thread: Journey to Olympus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Journey to Olympus

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've debated over the past week whether to start a log here or just track it on pencil and paper or using Excel, but decided that its always good to have people assist in maintaining accountability as well as compare my eventual progress with that of others... I also take a great deal of motivation from seeing others progression (for those that stick with it) and hope to give motivation to other skeptical newcomers.

    So here goes...

    I will post last week's workouts in three separate replies to stay with the "standard" setup.

    Workout #1 - Tuesday September 21, 2010

    Squat - 135lbs 3x5
    Bench - 95lbs 3x5
    Deadlift - 135lbs 1x5

    This was my first workout since I got my new home gym setup (6.5 hours Sunday before) and since leaving Stronglifts for SS. Also my first workout with REAL weightlifting shoes and all I can say is, AWESOME.

    Was really excited to bang out the weights again and finally be in an environment that is quiet, controlled, and allows me to concentrate on the work ahead of me.

    The greatest distraction was my girlfriend whom is interested in doing the program as well, albeit with not the same goals in mind. The workout took longer than my normal as I had to show her how to perform the exercises properly and it was hard to find weights which she could do.

    I always have and always will love Deadlifts. Ever since I first did them a few months ago, I just can't help but wanting to do more than 1 set, but I will stick to the program.

    EDIT: For those interested or who are trying to quickly navigate to the start of my Intermediate programming, here is a link to the page. Trying to be as helpful as possible to those folks whom may be interested in my progress/efforts.
    Last edited by Zee-man; 08-30-2011 at 06:39 AM. Reason: Edit to include quick link to Intermediate Programming

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Workout #2 - Thursday September 23, 2010

    Squat - 145lbs 3x5
    Press - 65lbs 3x5
    Powercleans - Practiced forms, did my 5 sets of 3 with just the bar. I'm having trouble getting the movement down. I've read the Powerclean section in Rip's book and I'm comfortable in the Deadlift portion of the pull, I just get confused in the mechanics of the second pull. I practiced as Rip demonstrated/explained, and I'm finding that although I don't arm the bar (which is good to avoid that mistake) I don't bring the weight around properly and have a final form with elbows out.

    I am doing more research with Youtube videos and continued reading.

    I had a moment where I had to laugh at myself doing Presses. My ceiling is just high enough that when I press the weight overhead I need to get the plate between the two crossbeams to not hit the ceiling. So when I unrack the weight I have to look up, check my bearings, and then press. I will most likely shift the power rack a bit or place tape on the ground so I know where to stand to not hit the ceiling. Just something that made my chuckle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Workout #3 - Saturday September 25, 2010

    Squat - 155lbs 3x5
    Bench - 100lbs 3x5
    Deadlift - 155lbs 1x5

    I lifted without a shirt and in shorts for the first time (typically workout pants and T-Shirt or sweatshirt). Interesting having the bar on my back without something in between. Was fun, but I think I'll opt for some cotton between next time.

    Squats were a bit harder (yea I'm a pussy), but I also lifted in the early afternoon as opposed to evenings after work on Tuesday/Thursday. Deadlifts were awesome, as I said before, just love that exercise. To me, its the most "practical" of the exercises. How often do we lift things in our day-to-day? More for some, but most people move a few times in their lives or pick up their mrs/girlfriend and carry her around.

    My only complaint/pain thus far this week has been with my shoulders. On Squats while keeping the wrist straight I noted irritation/pain in my shoulders from lack of flexibility. I did do Shoulder Dislocates with a broom stick on the second and third workouts and it did improve. Apparently, when I was doing Stronglifts before, I was not properly locking my wrists, hence the lack of pain until now. Will continue Dislocates until pain is completely gone.

    Also, does anyone have comment/note on if there is such a thing as "going too low" on squats? Just a food for thought item the girlfriend raised as a question.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Good man, starting up a log of your own on here. I have found that all kinds of cool people eventually come out of the woodwork when you do, and that's great because support from good people always helps.

    As to "going too low" ... I doubt it. Since I started doing this, I have, literally, been descending until my legs absolutely cannot bend anymore, ass to grass, as far as it can go. That's where I get that bounce.

    Keep it up. And you could probably dead lift more than you're doing and be good with it. You should start out with a little more on that lift. Bump it up just a bit. You could probably do 175 next time out, maybe even 180 without a problem. I tell you this, because I regret starting my dl out with the same weight as my squat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Thanks gamedog. I was hoping you would be one to post in my log seeing as you will soon be moving up near me in a few months.

    Yea, before I started any of this I was doing 225 for sets of 4-5 on DL pyramid'ing up in weight. I'm just taking it on an easy increase. However I have been increasing my squats by 10, but I think after tonight I'll go down to 5lb increments seeing as I've only been to 175 since I started Stronglifts. Deadlifts will continue to increment by probably 20lbs until I feel they are getting heavy.

    I'm contemplating swapping Power Cleans for Power Snatches, as that exercise seems easier to do in my mind for some reason. Still debating it, but regardless, tonight will be another night of learning on the technical exercise.

    Excited to hit the gym (my own home gym) tonight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Workout #4 - Tuesday September 28, 2010

    Squat - 165lbs 3x5
    Press - 75lbs 3x5
    Power Cleans - Again, did some more practice with form. I'm still getting stuck with the second pull so far as working it out in my mind how it is supposed to be executed. I don't feel smooth at all in the process and am trying to avoid getting into the "use the arms" problem. I did more with just the bar, and worked to doing 3 reps from lifting at the knee. Still dis-satisfied with the angle of my elbows.

    I will be downgrading my weight increase on squats to 5lbs per workout now as opposed to 10. Still, it won't be long til I've crossed the 200lb threshold. No big deal for the big dogs, but for me, it will be an accomplishment along the way. Press will also go down to 5lb increments at my next workout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Yeah man! I can't wait to get up there. Still looking for a job, but I'm turning over some interesting stones.

    Nice work, for workout #4. Switching to 5 pound increments will be fine, just take this time to build up that momentum and you'll be crushing 200, and then 300 pounds before you know it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Workout #5 - Thursday September 30, 2010

    Squat - 170lbs 3x5
    Bench - 105lbs 3x5
    Deadlift - 175lbs 1x5

    Squat went well yet again. I'm trying to focus on the "bounce" at the bottom as supposedly that greatly assists generating force on the lift. The last two reps of my final set I felt myself lean forward a bit, but otherwise all went well and I was satisfied with my sets. Bench was easy, I don't expect any problem until I reach 150+lbs in my lifts as I was dumbell benching 80lb dumbells before I started Stronglift and then SS. Deadlifts as always were a fun time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Saturday was the first day of Archery Season here in Southwestern PA. Got up bright and early at 4 am after four hours sleep and drove to meet my father to head out hunting. Saw a couple deer, but overall was a nice relaxing experience and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. For me, Archery season is better than Christmas (the commercial version anyways).

    I arrived home at 3 pm after visiting my grandfather whom had just gotten out of the hospital and took what was supposed to be a 3 hour nap and turned into a 5.5 hour nap. I had somewhere to be at 9 pm, so I was unable to make my workout for the day. There was quite a bit if damning and swearing as I missed a workout to which I had planned to make.

    In an effort to avoid this in the future, I will be transferring to Mon/Wed/Fri workouts. Still pretty pissed that I missed, but at least I had a chance to recover some more. I noted lower back soreness still on Saturday while sitting in my treestand.

    Also like to note there was a great deal of fuss from my grandparents, aunt, and uncle regarding my "gained size" but seeing as they haven't seen me in about 8 months to a year, it doesn't have too much to do with recent effort. That will occur at Thanksgiving. Always good for motivation though, and comments were also made at my half gallon of milk I was finishing up polishing off after I arrived at their house.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    starting strength coach development program
    Regarding going too low, most men have a point where lack of flexibility means that the "lumbar curve reverses" (lower back goes from concave to convex). Reversing by going below this point is generally to be avoided.

    Compared to O-lifters going ass-to-grass, the low-bar back squat that Rip recommends has a considerable forward lean, which means that this flexibility point is likely higher for LBBS than high bar back squats or front squats.

    Anyway, welcome and good lifting.

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