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Thread: Elbow injury from presses

  1. #1

    Default Elbow injury from presses

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Coach, I have elbow pain on the inner side of my right elbow. If I push around it seems to be right where my tricep joins to my elbow. Both pulling and pushing movements aggravate this pain.

    It developed and worsened over 5 weeks of Starting Strength. I think it is because I was doing presses incorrectly by letting my elbows slide back behind the bar at the bottom and "bouncing" while in this incorrect position. This pain was developing slowly until one day doing presses it REALLY hurt, so much that I felt pain in my entire arm for about 20 minutes, then it went back to how it was before.

    I am going to a doctor who is doing the electric stim and ultrasonic stim. From talking to this guy I don't feel confident that he understand my injury the way that a coach like you understands. Two questions:

    1) Based on my descriptions have you seen this happen / are you familiar with the injury I'm talking about?

    2) Do you have any specific suggestions for recovery? Right now I can do 25lb overhead press without pain but anything more than that is uncomfortable. I'm icing it and apply Bengay several times a day. I'm working it lightly (light rows on the erg and light presses) every other day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'm not familiar with that specific injury, so I'm not able to offer any advice on it. Without being able to see it, I just can't tell you what is or what to do about it. It is obviously not a muscle belly, so get it looked at and let us know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Find a physician who specializes in treating sports injuries. Not only will he have a better idea of what you may have done to yourself, but any treatment he recommends will be with the intent of getting you back to training. This may not be the same treatment you would receive from someone who specializes in hip replacements for octogenarians.

    Also, are you positive that it was the press that caused the pain? Doing squats with bent wrists can cause problems like that as well.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The problem with this is that most "Sports Medicine" guys are MDs who know how to treat running injuries, and have absolutely no idea about actual training injuries.

  5. #5


    This guy is a doc for the Cleveland Indians so I thought he would be good with elbows but he seems to have a negative regard for weight lifters and is not genuinely concerned with the cause. (I've been lectured 2x about not wearing a belt when I lift) Then again, he might see so many elbow injuries that he's confident of his ability in this healing process. I'm not sure.

    I was doing the squat using wrists like pictured in the photos of SS, fingers/palms over top the bar.

    I'm not entirely sure it was caused by overhead press because it was so subtle at first as to be almost unnoticeable. I started noticing it first on weighted pull-ups (55lb) so I only did those on two different days. I've been doing high-rep pull-ups on CrossFit for 14 months with no problems so I didn't think a weighted pull-up would cause this. I have no way to be sure of the cause. I just know that the day I stopped was because the pain was excruciating was while doing overhead presses and I hadn't touched pull-ups for four weeks.

    I reread the chapter on bench and I think my grip there was narrow, perhaps a second contributing factor? I paid so much attention to squat, dead and clean that I didn't take the presses very seriously. Now I'm paying for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    If I had to bet, I'd bet it was the weighted chins, because I have felt the same pain myself doing those. It will heal with ibuprofen and time.

  7. #7


    Coach, I've been working my right elbow back over the last 4 weeks. Yesterday I did a workout that involved 3 rounds of 21 overhead press (bar only) and 500m light row. When I got home that evening my left elbow was now having the same exact same pain (less so, but definitely there at the same place).

    I've reread the press chapter and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is there something about my anthropometry causing this? I'm including video from two different angles of me doing press, taken this morning. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Your starting position in the press should have your radius vertical, which will place your elbows slightly forward of the bar. But it's not going to be the presses. Which of the two, presses or rowing, are the most like chins, as per my previous post? A whole bunch of rowing would probably irritate my medial epicondylitis too. Fix the press, just in case, but I think you need a friction massage on the hot place, and a bunch of ibuprofen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Previous threads dealing with rehabbing injuries. Posting these since they have useful info on dealing with tendonitis and non-muscle belly type injuries.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by grv575 View Post
    Previous threads dealing with rehabbing injuries. Posting these since they have useful info on dealing with tendonitis and non-muscle belly type injuries.
    Thanks alot for those links. The standard bad arm position squat deal is exactly what I am battling these days.

    It might be worth it to add them to the injury-sticky for completeness.

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