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Thread: ColoWaynos big adventure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs

    Default ColoWaynos big adventure

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm getting ready to split the country for four months. I'll be in a ground hog day nightmare, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day of work (desk)... BUT... the rest of the time will be mine and I'll have little to distract me. I'll also have access to all of the food I can eat for three meals a day. I'll figure out how to get some smaller meals and shakes for two or three other meals.
    So, I'm trying to figure out the best use of my time and would love any suggestions. So here's the 411:
    I'm 47.
    Began SS in Spring of 2008 at 160lbs (72.5kg) and 5' 11'' (1.8 Meters).
    Switched to Texas Method in the Summer of 2009 at around 175 lbs (79.4kg).
    I'm now at around 190lbs (86.2kg).
    PRS (sets x reps x lbs):
    Squat: 1x5x262.5 (119.2kg)
    Bench: 1x1x220 (99.7kg)
    Deads: 1x5x287 (130kg) (I've since reset this, and I'm at around 260)
    Press: 1x5x120 (54.5kg)
    Power Cleans: 1x3x145 (66kg) (these are my biggest frustration now)
    Also, I can do 6 chinups or pullups at BW+35lbs for two sets.

    I've been fairly stalled out in my presses except that I've added quite a bit of volume (5x5s). I'd like to really improve my Power Cleans and get my presses moving again. I think the Dead lifts will come ok now that I'm using a belt. Squats feel amazing now. I'm buying a video camera to take with me so I'll be posting my funny little power cleans later for comment.

    I don't think I've consolidated all of the gains from some recent weight I've put on. I'd like to add another 10-15 lbs, quality of course if possible. If I'm a little chubby in three months I want to ramp up the conditioning for the last month and consolidate as well as possible. Yes, I want to look (reasonably) good for my California vacation I'm planning in August this year.

    I've thought of doing a minor reset when I get settled in there, and restarting linear progression for a while to see where I stall out and to maybe revisit some assistance exercises I can benefit from.

    Thoughts... much thanks, you folks are great.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-20-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Here are some vids of my son and myself. Didn't get power cleaning in this one.
    Son Squats 200lbs
    Son Dead lifts 185lbs
    Dad Dead lifts 265lbs
    Dad Squats 240lbs

    I'm running out to catch a plane... 24 hours of traveling. Let me know how you think the old man is doing, and if I'm being a decent coach to my son.


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