You seem to be horribly confused. Justin's program was called the CrossFit Wichita Falls program. And you should stick with 3x5 as programmed and just keep linear progression going as long as possible.
Last edited by Paul Sousa; 04-29-2010 at 01:01 PM.
Yep, completely meant to type Witchita Falls and not Westside. Sorry about that.
This is the program I am referencing:
Monday — Squat, Press, Power Clean
Tuesday — Chin-ups, Conditioning
Wednesday — OFF
Thursday — Squat, Bench, Deadlift
Friday — Conditioning
Yup, that's the one. Do 3x5 for squat, bench and press; 1x5 for deadlift; and 5x3 for PC's. However it looks a little different than what I remember the original being. The original from the PDF looked like this:
Monday - Squat, Press, Chins
Tuesday - PC, Met-con
Thursday - Squat, Bench
Friday - Deadlift, Met-con
Justin may have changed it up though based on that post you linked.
Yeah, he changed it but said it doesn't really matter which one you use. The differences are so subtle that they don't really matter.
Thanks for aswering the question about the volume though.
Also, has anyone on here actually done this program?
I know its obviously not gonna get you gains as quickly as the normal novice program, but I'm curious as to the experiences people have had with linear progression on this program?
Any input would be appreciated.
I gave it a short run. It worked well at first, but after about 6-7 weeks my lack of recovery caught up with me and I stalled (I was playing sports in addition to the program). It is a great combination of strength and conditioning though.
Edit - oh, and for chins you do 3xmax reps
Double edit - for conditioning use either heavier weight or sprint based met-cons in the 8-10 minute range.
Yeah, I am doing this training for sports, so my plan is to do sprint-work, hills, etc. for the conditioning parts. I'm also considering buying an econo-prowler too for that part of it.
I know recovery is going to be an issue, so I just have to eat my face off and keep at it. I would love to still keep progressing linearly for a while, especially in the squat and deadlift.
Yeah, I was playing on two soccer teams and also playing tackle football most Saturdays. It was completely my own doing recovery wise. If I stuck with say one soccer team I would have been fine. It got to the point where my met-cons were improving but I was stalling on the barbell lifts.
Good luck with it!
I used it for about 3 weeks coming off of Main Page Crossfit. Not long enough to give a viable review, but it I enjoyed it, had no problems with recovery, and was a gateway to linear progression (for me).
I actually have the few metcons that Justin programmed around the lifts. PM me and i can probably cut and paste, if you want them.