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Thread: Advice for 54 year-old after four months of Novice program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Default Advice for 54 year-old after four months of Novice program

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi all,

    I'm after some advice regarding some challenges I'm facing after 4 months on novice programming. I never lifted seriously before starting in March this year (2023).

    I've read Starting Strength and have been following the recommended programs for 50-59 year-olds in The Barbell Prescription.

    I am 54 years old, 5'8" and 191lbs. My weight is up from 171lbs when I started the novice program 4 months ago. I have tweaked my diet a little bit so it went up and down a bit between 187-195lbs as I tried to figure out the right approach. It's now going back up steadily. Am aiming for a heavier bodyweight to get lifts up higher.

    My lifts got to the numbers below and then I started running into various problems:

    Deadlift 286lbs 1x5
    Squat 198lbs 3x5
    Bench Press 165lbs 3x5
    Press 101lbs 3x5

    My overall question is: should I be looking to transition to intermediate programming due to the various problems below or continue with some form of novice programming?

    Problems encountered, solutions attempted and outcomes so far:

    Incomplete recovery between sessions, breakdown of form on some lifts, stuck at a particular weights on lifts, detraining and injuries creeping in

    At the beginning of my fourth month of training my squat form deteriorated i.e., was not hitting depth. Started videoing and felt squats were above parallel so tried taking some weight off but found this had to be about 30lbs to get below parallel. So, currently at 165lbs 3x5 on Squats.

    On the Press, I got stuck at my next increase from 101lbs, that is, 105lbs. Tried adding sets to complete the 15 reps e.g., 105lbs x4x4x4x3. At this point I also started pressing twice a week and benching once a week. Stayed stuck on both lifts, never getting to 3x5 reps but instead spreading 15 reps across 4-6 sets.

    Deadlift was going up in 5lbs jumps still to get to personal best of 286lbs.

    I was training three times per week.

    A 9-day vacation interrupted training this month and I thought I would come back and try a 2 day a week schedule to help with recovery. I also thought I would reset with with slightly lower weights and to hit 3x5 reps again and go back up from there. I also thought this might protect me from injury after a week's layoff at my age.

    I've had two workouts since back. I wanted to get back to 3x5 rep ranges - so tried Squats 165lbs 3x5; Bench Press 156lbs 3x5, Press 99lbs 3x5, Deadlift 266lbs 1x5. Completed these.

    But, on my second workout (two days ago) felt a tweak in lower back 3rd rep of deadlifts. I finished the set but it's been pretty tight and sore since. Doing phyiso at home to help my lower back. Not too bad (still able to mow the lawn, move furniture etc.) but gets very stiff and sore after sitting down for a while and getting back up out of a chair.

    So ... any advice on how to continue progressing would be greatly appreciated e.g.,

    How soon before deadlifting again? What sort of weight?

    Should I deadlift once a week or something like one every two weeks?

    Do I need a light squat day?

    Do I move to intermediate program or stay on a 2-day novice program for added recovery? I think this is my biggest question.

    Should I try only 1-2 sets of squats to reduce volume?

    Should I try tripples or doubles in some lifts?

    My goal is still to get all my lifts up higher even if it takes me longer.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.



    PS. Wish I'd started this in my twenties! But, would like to continue lifting into 60s, 70s, 80s if possible. And lastly, thanks to Rip for coming up with a great training system.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    This is a personal training consult, not a board post. Pick a coach and get it done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2023


    Thank you for your reply. Apologies for the over-long post.

    I am in the UK and have found one SS coach based in another part of the country. But will look at your online coaching portal and go from there.

    Thanks again Rip.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    If you are able to, make contact with Byron Johnson, I have had a session with him and he is an excellent coach, and real nice, helpful guy.

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