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Thread: Texas Method Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Default Texas Method Questions

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    Hello everyone.

    I have some stupid questions about the following template of the Texas Method, found in Practical Programming, that I want to follow:

    My questions are:

    1. Is there any benefit doing Romanian Deadlifts if I am heavy squatting, deadlifting, and powercleaning? If so what day would I do them on?
    2. What day(s) should I add ab work?
    3. I just want to do a few quick sets of barbel curls; where should I fit that in? Or should I even bother?

    Thanks for the advice everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dallas, GA


    1. Depends on how much you're hitting on the Olympic lifts. If they are heavy, don't bother. If they aren't heavy, use the Olympic lifts in place of the GHR and do the RDLs that day.

    2. Doesn't matter.

    3. Doesn't matter, though it makes more sense on the "upper body" days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    It appears that you have 3 questions about how to add exercises to the Texas Method. I propose that this suggests that you have no experience with the Texas Method.

    Just follow the program as written. In 3 weeks, if you still want to do the curls, you can do the curls any time you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by MikuGlastonbury View Post
    Hello everyone.

    I have some stupid questions about the following template of the Texas Method, found in Practical Programming, that I want to follow:

    My questions are:

    1. Is there any benefit doing Romanian Deadlifts if I am heavy squatting, deadlifting, and powercleaning? If so what day would I do them on?
    2. What day(s) should I add ab work?
    3. I just want to do a few quick sets of barbel curls; where should I fit that in? Or should I even bother?

    Thanks for the advice everyone.
    1. No
    2. I would turn chins into "l-sit chins" AND I would fuck with focused, sustained vigor for the duration of this program. If you do those things, no need to burn more life doing abs.
    3. Everyone does them and we all lie about it. Superset with lte's & do a bunch after bb rows.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    The guts of the Texas Method is,

    One day squats 5x5, bench 5x5
    Another day squat heavy x5, bench heavy x5

    everything else is just assistance work.

    People always want to take a hard programme and see what they can add. Nobody wants to see what they can take away.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    South Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Skillin View Post
    It appears that you have 3 questions about how to add exercises to the Texas Method. I propose that this suggests that you have no experience with the Texas Method.

    Just follow the program as written. In 3 weeks, if you still want to do the curls, you can do the curls any time you want.

    If after any of the main work on this split you have time/energy/desire to do more work, plug it in. Won't matter when but I'd suggest doing it on upper body days like others have pointed out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Thanks for the advice everyone. Like everyone said, I won't f*** with the program

    I will superset some curls in like John Hanley said; I just won't tell anyone about it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by MikuGlastonbury View Post
    Thanks for the advice everyone. Like everyone said, I won't f*** with the program

    I will superset some curls in like John Hanley said; I just won't tell anyone about it
    Like I said though, if you do fuck the program, do it in a way to ensure you work your, at terminal hip extension lift your pelvis a bit towards your rib cage. Texas Method will like this too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Schuant View Post
    The guts of the Texas Method is,

    One day squats 5x5, bench 5x5
    Another day squat heavy x5, bench heavy x5

    everything else is just assistance work.

    People always want to take a hard programme and see what they can add. Nobody wants to see what they can take away.
    I do I do. I'm down to press, bench, squat, snatch, and deadlift, with some conditioning. No "arms" no "core"

    that said, I'm a really shitty benchmark with piss poor progress so I dunno, maybe do some abs?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Phoenix, AZ


    starting strength coach development program
    If you want to add curls, do them at the end for reps. Alternate with DB and BB. BB curls can give nasty forearm tendonitis if you do them too often. I've done it and had other lifters do it. Hasn't hurt anything in my experience. Tricep extensions, on the other hand, ARE NOT recommended.

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