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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Squat Form Check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I've been having some problems with my squats. I've stalled twice in the mid-200's. I have a persistent sharp pain in my upper quadriceps: about 6" down from the hip joint and feels like it's really deep in the leg - almost under the quad muscles. This feels like an injury sort of pain rather than usual muscle soreness, but I can't identify a particular time when I would have become injured. Getting out of a chair is a joke today.

    I've been working the IT bands and glutes with a foam roller and a rolling pin, and persistent pain in those areas has mostly gone away. Working the quads where I currently feel the pain has had no effect.

    I had some problems with the knees sliding foreword at the bottom of the squat, but I think I have that mostly fixed now by setting my feet wider and pushing my knees out. My thighs remind me immediately when I let my knees slide foreword now.

    Here's the 4th set from last night:
    4/29/10 squat form check 225x5

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Hey Humboldt,

    Any chance it's overworked adductors? You started with heavy weight, progressed quickly while messing with form, and you seem to drive your hips forward more than up, which makes the quads work more and the hammies work less.

    If your adductors were weak (most are) they may not have been prepared for the weight the rest of your body could handle.

    Just a thought, you probably had strong quads and weak vastus, and overworked the weakest muscles.

    Get someone else to check though, I'm on a layoff after hurting myself too, so might be exactly wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    My adductors did start out weak, but they have grown just fine and remain pain-free. After looking at an anatomy drawing, it looks like my pain is happening right at the top of the rectus femoris.

    Thinking about it a little further, I think the pain began when I noticed my squats were turning into good-mornings around 285lb, and I tried to correct the form without reducing the weight. May have over-stressed the quads by refusing to fail the set even though the quads were overloaded with the new form. Does that sound reasonable?
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by NKT View Post
    Here's the 4th set from last night:
    4/29/10 squat form check 225x5
    Every rep here is a couple of inches too deep -- you're relaxing at the bottom to achieve depth and you've got no bounce out of the hole. Maintain tightness and cut these off higher.

    You're also not getting a complete breath before reps 2-5. Take a full breath, then squat.

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