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Thread: Knee problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Knee problem

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I developed pain in my knee to the point where I was having trouble playing ball with the kids and some pain walking as well. I think it was arthritis but never had it diagnosed. I started l.b. squatting using Starting Strength as a reference and it has drastically reduced the pain in my knee, I'm running solid again! Also, I caught for my sons little league game the other night, much of the time in squatting position! I had no problems with soreness or pain the next day. Im gonna keep on squatting. Thanks for the help. If you ever have a S.S seminar in the Milwaukee area I will be there.

    J Luke

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Amen, Brother!
    I go to the Forum this morning with the intention of writing a similar anecdote and, lo and behold, you did it for me. I am a geezer (68 years) and so indolent I give couch potatoes a good name. Some years ago I aggravated a plica (a knee thing) to the extent that I had an arthroscopic thing done. No post-op PT. Got good relief early on but years later I am still feeling a residual soreness and stiffness. I stumbled upon Starting Strength and since I had done barbell stuff in college I said why not get serious about training. I am four months into The Program. Started full squats very tentatively. My adductors were in shreds the first couple of weeks but no mechanical problem regarding the knees. I'll be darned but that residual soreness in my knee is gone. I can feel improved muscle tone overall and I actually have regained the spring in my steps. Those kinetic chains are knitting themselves back together again and pulling joints into proper alignment. Who woulda thunk? Just do it!

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