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Thread: Please check my squat quickly.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Please check my squat quickly.

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    I know the video doesn't really tell you much. It's the best angle I can muster in my garage.

    It's a single from a joker set on the 5/3/1 day of a version of the program of the same name.

    I'm think i need to keep elbows tighter, especially at the bottom position, and keep my chest up as it seems to drop a bit at the bottom. I don't think I lost tightness in my back.

    Thanks so much for the time and happy holidays.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    A strong squat to be sure, but it is tough to intelligently critique a heavy single, especially one where we can barely see you. Your elbows drop pretty significantly, you lift your chest early into the movement, and it seems that you may be looking straight ahead. Cannot say for sure on the last one because it is too dark. Also, all the rocking side to side before the squat starts probably isn't useful. Get us a set of five where we can see what you are doing, including your knees and feet. Check out the sticky on filming form checks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks man. I will indeed get something sent one of these days that will show what I'm doing properly.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I'm getting an incredible amount of shit from friends that my form in this video is going to cause me severe injury to my back. Of course they're the bodybuilding types who have never lifted anything heavy. But due to my anxious personality I'd like some reassurance from you guys that it looks okay to you.

    I know the angle is shit and you cant even see my legs, and my anthropometry means I always tend to have a fairly horizontal back when I squat. But you can't see anything here that would suggest I might get injured? From the looks of it I do a good job keeping the back extended?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    From what little I can see, your back appears to remain in extension. Leaning over in a low bar squat is both normal and proper form. Your friends know not of what they speak. This is not uncommon in fitness. Lots of people, even those who should know much better, are convinced of things that are incorrect. Attempting 1RMs puts you at a greater risk of injury, back injury included. So, it is possible for you to hurt yourself doing this. Every athlete will sustain an injury and probably multiple injuries throughout their careers. That being said, your torso angle is just fine in this squat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    From what little I can see, your back appears to remain in extension. Leaning over in a low bar squat is both normal and proper form. Your friends know not of what they speak. This is not uncommon in fitness. Lots of people, even those who should know much better, are convinced of things that are incorrect. Attempting 1RMs puts you at a greater risk of injury, back injury included. So, it is possible for you to hurt yourself doing this. Every athlete will sustain an injury and probably multiple injuries throughout their careers. That being said, your torso angle is just fine in this squat.
    Brilliant Tom. I admire all the work you guys do, has really turned my life around.

    Many Thanks.

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