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Thread: OHP variety argument

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default OHP variety argument

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    Hey Guys,

    Ran into a little bit of a debate in another forum about programming the OHP (specifically, somebody asked whether they should switch to the seated press from standing OHP). Somebody commented to the lifter that "variety is his best friend" in this situation and he should do push presses, standing OHP, sitting OHP, and push jerks to "mix it up" every so often. I pretty much said to stick with standing OHP so you can keep programming consistent and there's no need to mix it up so greatly for an amateur lifter.

    He replied advocating the same variety that he initially mentioned. Am I off base here or would all that variety really make sense?

    He also claimed that doing something like the push press and push jerk would hit the hips again, making it worthwhile - whereas I rebutted saying that it would be overkill if the lifter is also doing squats and DL in the same workout. Two replied saying that idea was way off. Input on that? All I know is that after squats, standing OHP is hard enough without trying to "hit the hips" again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010


    There are various reasons somebody might switch up the exercises depending on goals, injury, programming, etc.

    I'm pretty sure most if not all of the exercises you listed are legit, and some people on this forum do some of them.

    To blindly "mix it up" without a clear goal in mind is probably not the best path to follow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I don't see the point in doing a jerk or push press if your just trying to get stronger in general. Its not like your muscles are going to get bored of doing the same movement forever.

    Like Yorick said they're all good exercises if programmed correctly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    The push press is a good exercise. I don't see much point to push jerking unless your goals directly involve it. Yeah, for somebody just starting out, there's not much point in too much variation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    I'm interested in this topic - my main goal is to OHP 3 plates in the very long-term future. I'm not sure if I would be better off focusing on all overhead movements, just the OHP, or something else. This is after I already bench 3 plates though, so I don't look like a vag in the gym lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I think they are certainly good exercises, particularly the push press. But the thing is that he's looking for shoulder "development" (read: aesthetics) so I figured just stick with a strict standing OHP and that would be sufficient.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I like the seated dumbell shoulder press (with your back up against the bench) as an accessory movement. Regular presses require a lot of ab and lower back usage to do properly, which is why they are such a great exercise. But if you want to just smoke your shoulders, taking the necessity to stabilize yourself out of it can help a little. Might be a little too "bodybuilder" for some people here, but it really builds up the shoulders.

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