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Thread: The Thinking Strongman

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default The Thinking Strongman

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Anybody else read this guy's blog? He's got some good stuff on RTS and autoregulation. More to the point, he trains hard and is strong as hell despite having some kind of degenerative spinal disease which his doctors predict will put him in a wheelchair in a few years. I strongly suspect he's going to do way, way better than they think he will--how many other people with his condition are squatting, pulling, and doing farmers' walks? But stipulating that the forecasts are accurate, it's interesting--and very inspiring--to look at what he's doing. Makes you ask yourself, if you knew you only had a couple more good years, how would you train?

    Badass vid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    That was a nice read. I have a client who trains a lot, is an author of a book on training has entered Powelifting meets- and yet, does types of movements that I really dont get the point of. (calf raises,curls etc) I used to ask him- So, why do you train? and unfortunately between visits I would forget that I had asked him a variation of that question. One day he sort of lost it and said- jokingly but also a little annoyed- Look, I just workout I dont really have a reason- you asked me that last week!!
    All that to say - I liked that little article on why he does what he does- sending it to my friend.

    I would do everything Im doing now- 5 lifts- but add more hill sprints and off trail work- hill sprints because, at the end of my time- I would at least be thankful to not have to do them anymore.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Yep, exactly. I think that's part of why so many people have trouble exercising--they just sort of show up, spend half an hour on the elliptical performing obesiance to the Gods of Clean Living and Reduced Fat, and go home. Maybe if you stick with it long enough you can make it an unconscious habit, but if you're just starting it's going to be terribly unrewarding. (I went through a phase of this myself after high school sports ended, so I can relate.).

    The "two good years left" thing is a great way to clarify your physical goals. Ever wanted to be big and strong? Run a marathon? Hell, have a six-pack and dem dere bicep striations? Whatever it is, you'd better get started. Powerful stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    I'm very interested in RTS. I'm not quite there yet in terms of progression but I will be using the system at some point. Regardless, badass dude.

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