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Thread: Strength program for cheerleaders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Strength program for cheerleaders

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    My daughter is a high school cheerleader (where they do stunts and stuff) and asked me to help her develop a strength training routine for this. She has a weight training background, but only a crappy routine that her fatass coach gave them, like a 4 day bb split routine. My thought was this:

    1. Complete standard SS program until lifts stall
    2. Transition to a H/L/M style program
    Squats 5x5 (ramped)
    Overhead press 5x5 (ramped)
    Power cleans 5x5 (ramped)

    Front Squat 4x5 (ramped)
    Incline press 4x5 (ramped)
    High pulls 4x5 (ramped) Alternate with Deadlift (If I can convince them to do it, they lift in spankies and have already said "We're not doing deadlifts")

    FRI (MEDIUM - Weights from like 3rd set of Monday)
    Speed squats 5x3 (across)
    Push press 5x3 (across)
    Power cleans 5x3 (across)

    Does this seem appropriate? What aspects am I missing, and where is this program lacking?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    I think its sound. For cheerleading they just need some basic strength. As long as she is improving her press and squat I think she'll be fine and everything else will fall into line. If you want to keep her interested for the long term, let her have some fun with it and do things she likes. As far as specifics on the program, I don't like cleans for sets of 5, and I don't like high pulls. Teach her how to power snatch for her light day pulling exercise.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Ok thanks for the advice. So we will do power snatch instead of high pulls, and 5x3 ramped sets on Monday for cleans.

    I kind of agree on the high pulls except I like them for me. Just about every time I have seen a video of someone doing them, though, it looks like some upright row thing. I do them exactly like power cleans except with a weight that I cannot get high enough to catch. Interestingly, I have often PR'd on power cleans when I was actually trying to do high pulls.

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