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Thread: Completed my work set and learned it was over weight

  1. #1

    Default Completed my work set and learned it was over weight

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    This has been my third dead lift workout as you may remember i began to train again Nov 1st.
    I did 260 and 270. I was supposed to do 280 but mismanaged the bar and did 290.

    Next work out should i do 280 and proceed.
    Should i compromise and do 285.
    Should i repeat the weight.
    At the most I'd increase it by 5 pounds because i think i should be modest.
    It was very difficult. The actual movement of the weight was hard but the effect on my back was HARD. Pain and very very tight. The rain was coming on so most of the sets were back to back.

    My last 5rm was 310. I weighted 240. I'm not 225 and want to surpass the strength i had. Being this is my 3rd dead lift workout back i get the feeling i should have had 4-5 more workouts before getting this close to my last plateau.

    I can start going up by 5 pounds to get more workouts in before i have to face that former max weight but i'd be excited to keep going up by 10's.

    What advice do you have about accidentally going over weight?
    Should i hold off with smaller increases until i have failed 3 times with 10 pound increases?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Go to 295. Continue to progress at 5 lb increments

  3. #3


    Thanks andy

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