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Thread: Starting Strength, round 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Starting Strength, round 2

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi all,

    I did SS last summer with great success. However, I wasn't able to keep up with it for the past several months, and my lifts have suffered. I'm looking to get back into it and had a two questions:

    1. My current maxes for my bench is 1x3x185 and my press is at 1x4x120. My squat and deadlift are crap, so I'm going to start very conservatively on squat/DL. What 3x5 weight should I start on for my bench and press?

    2. I'm currently 6'0" 185 lbs (down from 210 from last summer...), but I'm not "skinny" by any means. What caloric intake should I be hitting? I don't mind eating in a surplus, but I want to avoid becoming a fatty. Is there a rate of weight gain I should be aiming for?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    If you did it before you know generally what to expect. Just start with something very easy (or you'll be incredibly sore) and jump in 10lbs or 20lbs jumps for a few workouts and you'll find your level pretty quickly.

    what is "great success" what did you get to ? was your depth and form good? What are your goals now?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by veryhrm View Post
    If you did it before you know generally what to expect. Just start with something very easy (or you'll be incredibly sore) and jump in 10lbs or 20lbs jumps for a few workouts and you'll find your level pretty quickly.

    what is "great success" what did you get to ? was your depth and form good? What are your goals now?
    Last summer over 3 months, my 3x5 progress was
    Squat: 95--->245
    Bench: 140--->195
    Press: 95--->135

    My depth was good on squats...a couple inches below parallel. I was also eating a crapload and went from a BW of 195 to 215 (I'm 6'0"). So I basically started off as slightly fat and became fatter. My chin-ups and pull-ups were somewhere around 3x6-8 of BW through the entire 3 months.

    My goal this time around is to gain strength, first and foremost, with a steady weight gain of predominantly muscle (maybe a few pounds per month). I was thinking about applying Texas Method principles right now, even though I'm not an intermediate. I feel that the added volume in the accessory work with the Texas Method will be a better stimulus for my weight gain to be put on as muscle rather than fat. Would this be a good idea? And as a beginner, how should I progress on the Texas Method?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Run LP as far as you can. 215 for a 6' guy is not very much.

    215 at that height is pretty light for a grown man. If you keep getting stronger, body recomposition will take care of itself. If it doesn't, titrate down a bit. See Jordan's To Be A Beast article.

    Texas Method is not indicated here.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Schudt View Post
    Run LP as far as you can. 215 for a 6' guy is not very much.

    215 at that height is pretty light for a grown man. If you keep getting stronger, body recomposition will take care of itself. If it doesn't, titrate down a bit. See Jordan's To Be A Beast article.

    Texas Method is not indicated here.
    Thanks, I'll do that. What sort of accessory work should I do?

  6. #6
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    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by nipperkin View Post
    Thanks, I'll do that. What sort of accessory work should I do?
    None. Do you have the book? Just do the beginner program again, and don't quit this time. Accessory work can wait.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2011


    I have the book and it says to add chin ups and pull ups on days that you don't DL or power clean. Shouldn't I be adding those and biceps curls or dips?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Schudt View Post
    None. Do you have the book? Just do the beginner program again, and don't quit this time. Accessory work can wait.
    I have the book and it says to add chin ups and pull ups on days that you don't DL or power clean. Shouldn't I be adding those and biceps curls or dips?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by allent View Post
    Because chin-ups probably help your main lifts. The book includes them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Why bicep curls? Why dips?

    You are still a novice. Go to the programming chapter, and follow it as written, and you'll be fine. Curls are a waste of time and energy at this stage. So are dips. Chins, we put in the program.

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