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Thread: Nutrition for 25 yr old male

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Nutrition for 25 yr old male

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hi all,

    I'm a 25 yr male, 5'8", 190 @ 20% bf

    Current program
    Squat 240 3x5
    DL 255 1x5
    Press 98 3x5
    BP 160 3x5

    · Current calorie and macro total (if known)

    No idea, I don't each many carbs except for white rice and potatoes, but I dont eat these too often. I try to drink about 24-32oz of whole milk a day.

    Basically, been doing SS for a while, made pretty big gains and then de-loaded to fix a few form issues...just progressed up past where I was and into personal best territory for all of the lifts.

    I eat mainly paleo at the moment, but I've found out via this forum that its not the best way to get big and strong. I added whole milk and in general trying to eat more, but I liked the paleo thing because I didn't have to track anything. I realize that is not the case to get big and strong, so now I'm caving and will start to track nutrition. (hold applause, please)

    What and how much should I be eating? In terms of carbs, should I just limit it to white rice and potatoes? I dont take any protein supplements like whey and I don't use creatine..yet..basically because these are new ideas for me and I don't know exactly what I should be doing.

    Also, what is normal for weight gain? By just adding whole milk and some white rice on days that I work out, I found that I gained like 5 lbs in a week, so I reduced the milk a little bit and am shooting to gain about a # a week.

    Last question...HIIT, should I be doing this? Always had a little bit of dunlap, but the gut is starting to get a bit bigger. the gut is annoying but if its necessary then so be it, but wondering if its development is due to no HIIT...I think no but I'm not sure so I'm asking..

    Thanks for any advice, just looking for some overall advice and resources on how to get started eating the correct way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Get 250g of protein per day spread out over 4-5 meals. Whey protein can be used to help you out here. Creatine is something you should be doing. You shouldn't do HIIT until the end of LP OR if you're obese, which you aren't, you just have been eating incorrectly for a bit.

    I'd have a 2 servings of starchy carbs (rice and potatoes are a decent option) pre and post workout, and vegetables at all other meals. Stick to single ingredient foods and have enough milk so that you're gaining 1-2lbs of BW per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I'd have a 2 servings of starchy carbs (rice and potatoes are a decent option) pre and post workout, and vegetables at all other meals. Stick to single ingredient foods and have enough milk so that you're gaining 1-2lbs of BW per week.
    Clarification question--2 servings before and after working out? Or one before, one after? Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dystrother View Post
    Clarification question--2 servings before and after working out? Or one before, one after? Thanks
    2 both before and after= 4 total

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    A dumb question-- what qualifies as pre and post workout. In other words, how soon before I get in the squat rack should I eat? An hour? More? Enough time so I don't feel sick? Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by dystrother View Post
    A dumb question-- what qualifies as pre and post workout. In other words, how soon before I get in the squat rack should I eat? An hour? More? Enough time so I don't feel sick? Thanks.
    Totally variable based on personal preference, but 1-2 hours before you start warming up is a good idea for Pre workout. The first meal after training is post workout.

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